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Trump Transition Teams: 3 Kids and a Son In Law

Donald Trump remains true to his shallow roots. He's just moved from Celebrity Apprentice to Dynasty in naming his transition team. He's put his three adult offspring and a son in law in charge of picking who will run our country.

The list has 16 names, which means 25% of them are Trump's family members. [More...]

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Apocalypse Day Three: "An American Tragedy"

David Remmick in the New Yorker has an excellent article on Donald Trump's win, calling it nothing short of an American Tragedy. He is correct, for all the reasons he states. (Also See Remmick's long article a few weeks ago in the New Yorker on his last interview with Leonard Cohen.)

Protests continued around the country last night. Thousands marched down the 16th St. Mall in Denver. [More...]

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Thousands Protest Trump Around the Country

Thousands are in the streets protesting Donald Trump.

Thousands of protesters swarmed the streets of several major cities Wednesday to voice their opposition to Donald Trump, who less than 24 hours earlier stunned the world in a upset victory to become the 45th person elected president of the United States.

Chanting "Not my president" and "F--- Trump," the scene outside Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago felt like a grand uprising — one where minority groups who have felt targeted by Donald Trump over the past eighteen months hoped to send a direct message to the president-elect.


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Foreign Media Weighs In On Trump Win

The day before the election the German Bonne Express wrote, Please, Not the Horror Clown. Today, an article appears referring to Trump as the sociopath in the White House

The nightmare has come true. Donald Trump is the new president of USA . The Americans have chosen a demagogue, sexist and racist the most powerful man in the world. At the White House soon sits a self-proclaimed savior with sociopathic traits. Unpredictable, brushed on riot. With an abundance of power without equal.


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The Real Winners and Losers of the 2016 Election

Who really won this election?

The politics of fear. If you are Muslim, Gay, foreign born, female, African American or Hispanic, fear is in your future for the next four years.

If you are old, sick or dependent on social security and Medicare, fear is in your future for the next four years should you live so long. [More...]

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That's All, Folks

The AP has declared Donald Trump the winner.

The Washington Post reports Hillary has phoned Trump and conceded:

Shortly after Wisconsin was called for Donald Trump, putting him over the 270 threshold needed to win the White House, Clinton called him to concede the election, The Washington Post has confirmed.

Absolutely vile.

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Opening the Door to Giuliani and Gingrich

Since Donald Trump has no experience at governing, here's who will be running your Government: Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich.

Three serial philanderers with a lack of human decency.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke is celebrating.

Nikkei, the Japanese stock market is down more than 900 points (5.2%)[More...]

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Election Results: Open Thread 1

Final Results Update for tonight: Trump takes Alaska and Hillary is 75,000 votes behind in Michigan. John Podesta just spoke at the Javits Center and said Hillary will not speak tonight. "She is not done yet. ... Let's get the votes counted and bring this home," he added. CBS is reporting Pennsylvania is still in play despite his significant lead. 1% of the vote has yet to be counted. In Wisconsin, there are a lot of absentee ballots.

Update: The AP calls Pennsylvania for Trump. Can CBS please switch to James Corden and the Late Late Show now?

Update: Pennsylvania has 97% of the votes in with Trump ahead now by 76,000 votes. CBS says there's still enough votes outstanding in remaining states to prevent it from calling the winner. It also mentioned absentee votes. It seems we need a Dewey Defeats Truman moment for Hillary to win. With that, I think I'll go to sleep -- the opera ain't over till the fat lady sings, and I have no intention of listening to pundits discuss why Trump appears to have won.

Republicans keep control of the Senate.

Update: CBS says Trump is leading in all 5 battleground states left, albeit by small numbers. The popular vote so far is 55,441,249 for Trump and 54,194,607 for Hillary. That's less than a million votes. [More...]

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Five States Have Recreational Marijuana on the Ballot

Voters in Arizona, California, Massachusetts, Maine, and Nevada will vote on legalizing marijuana for recreational use today.

The people behind the ballot initiatives in these five states are all using the same sales pitch to sell their cause: Legalizing weed will be a boon to the state treasury. Maine: “Tax dollars for schools & police”; Massachusetts: “Tax and regulate”; Nevada: “Jobs, jobs, jobs.”

Money seems to be a big factor:

On Oct. 28, the Marijuana Policy Group published a comprehensive report crediting legal weed with having created 18,005 full-time jobs and adding about $2.4 billion to the state’s economy in 2015. Excise and sales taxes alone brought in $121.5 million; much of the remaining increase in revenue was driven, essentially, by weed tourism.


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Election Mid-Day Thread

Royal Jordanian Airlines is showing this ad today:

Via The Australian, Donald Trump was asked about the possibility of him losing the election:

"If I don't win, I will consider it a tremendous waste of time, energy and money."

Trump was booed in his own neighborhood as he and Melania went to vote. Then, inside the voting room, he's watching her like a hawk. Does he suspect she's voting for Hillary?

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Election Day: Open Thread One

Hillary closed her campaign in North Carolina "with a bang and a prayer" as Bon Jovi and Lady Gaga stumped for her.

Bon Jovi and Lady Gaga did a duet of Bon Jovi's classic song.

Bruce Springsteen in Philly: [More...]

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The Final Night: Bruce, Bon Jovi, Obamas and Hillary In Philly

Bruce Springsteen is giving an incredible speech during his live musical performance at a campaign event for Hillary tonight in Philadelphia. It's outdoors and the place is packed. From Bruce:

Trump has a "profound lack of decency.... Tomorrow that campaign is going down.

Now he's playing (for Trump): It's Gonna be a Long Walk Home. [More...]

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