
Ft. Lauderdale To Tape All Homicide Interrogations

Major kudos to the Fort Lauderdale Police Department which has announced they will videotape all homicide interrogations from start to finish to reduce the chance of a false confession.

"Fort Lauderdale is the first large police department in South Florida to videotape murder interrogations in their entirety, a reform urged by false-confession experts nationwide to prevent coercion, improper promises of leniency, off-the-record threats and beatings by detectives."

''We're looking forward to it and welcome the new procedure,'' said Capt. Bob Lamberti, who heads the Fort Lauderdale Criminal Investigation unit. ``We think it's in everyone's best interest -- attorneys, prosecutors, judges, detectives, the whole criminal justice system.''

"The Fort Lauderdale department studied other police agencies and concluded that ''the advantages of taping far outweighed any perceived disadvantages,'' according to a statement"

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