
Bush Asks for Law Criminalizing Harm to Fetus

President Bush today asked a congressional panel to make harming a fetus during an assault on the mother a federal crime.

The assault we see here is the one on state's rights.

Of course, this is coming about now due to the Laci Peterson murder. Scott Peterson is charged with two counts of homicide, one for his wife and one for their unborn child. The latter charge, allowable under California law, makes him eligible for the death penalty.

We should not pass legislation out of grief and passion in response to a singular event, no matter how horrific. Whichever advisor told Bush that now would be a good time to re-introduce this proposal (it was passed by the House in 2001 and died in the Senate) is a crass opportunist.

Most murders are state crimes. Let each state deal with the issue as its citizens see fit. We don't need more meddling by the federal government in our criminal laws--particularly those without an interstate connection.

Anyone but Bush in 2004.

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