
100.000 Expected to Protest Bush Today

More than 100,000 people are expected to take part in protests against George Bush in London today.

Organisers of the Stop The War coalition predict more than 100,000 people will join the march past parliament, up Whitehall and into Trafalgar Square soon after Mr Bush's Downing Street summit with the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair. While police agreed the route for today's march because the coalition had staged entirely peaceful protests before the Iraq conflict, there are fears anarchist groups could seek to hijack the protest and force a confrontation in the heart of the capital.

Here's the details:

UK National Demonstration
Thursday 20th November
Assemble 2pm at Malet Street, Central London (nearest tubes: Goodge Street, Russell Square and Euston/Euston Sq). March to Trafalgar Square where a statue of George Bush will be pulled down. This event will continue until 7pm to allow for people coming from work.

Route: Malet St - Russell Square - Southampton Row - Kingsway - Aldwych - Waterloo Bridge - York Road - Westminster Bridge - Parliament Square - Whitehall - Trafalgar Square.

If you can't make it... participate in the Virtual March - organised by OurWorldOurSay.

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