
Richard Gere Challenges Wesley Clark on the Death Penalty

Actor Richard Gere had some suprise questioning in store for Wesley Clark last week at a fundraiser. We're glad Gere raised the issue, and we agree with him. But, in fairness to Clark, we also point out that Dean, Kerry, Edwards and the rest of the gang, with the exception of Kucinich, Mosely Braun and Sharpton, feel the same way.

Richard Gere ambushed Wesley Clark Thursday night at a presidential campaign fund-raiser. The activist actor asked the retired Army general to state his stance on the death penalty during a Q&A at Diane von Furstenberg's West Village atelier.

"I don't believe in the death penalty, per se, but I do believe we should reserve the right to use it in extreme cases, like that of Osama Bin Laden," the Democratic hopeful responded.

Gere, a devout Tibetan Buddhist, countered, "How can you not believe in the death penalty, but reserve that right for certain cases?"

An uncomfortable silence settled on the big-ticket crowd, which included Alexander von Furstenberg, writer Brad Gooch, producer Sandy Gallin, Hamilton South and Anne Dexter Jones. But Clark soldiered on, again trying to explain his belief that the death penalty should be considered in the face of the most heinous crimes.

"I believe only God has the right to take life," declared the star of "An Officer and a Gentleman." "We as people don't have that right." Clark looked as if he was about to order the actor to drop and give him 20, and wrapped it up. "We could have a philosophical discussion about this for hours," he said, "but I don't think this is the right venue."

The crowd retreated in formation to the bar, where laughter and applause, particularly that of the hostess, dominated the rest of the event. "She finds Wesley Clark very capable," says Jennifer Talbott, Diane Von Furstenberg's rep. "[Von Furstenberg] just became a citizen about two years ago, so it means a lot to her to do what she can."

Update: Wesley Clark hired a new campaign manager today--Paul Johnson--whose last position was manager of Florida Senator Bob Graham's campaign. The position has been vacant since last month when Donnie Fowler left. An interesting aside, one of Graham's daughters works for Dean, another for Clark.

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