
British Publisher Drops Bush-Saudi Book

Last week we wrote about House of Bush, House of Saud, the new book about the relationship between George Bush and the Saudi Royal Family. Now, Eric Boehlert, writing for Salon, tells us that a British publisher has dropped the book, fearing lawsuits from the Saudis.

From the book's website:

House of Bush, House of Saud begins with a single question: How is it that two days after September 11, 2001, even as American air traffic was tightly restricted, a Saudi billionaire socialized in the White House with President George W. Bush as 140 Saudi citizens, many immediate kin to Osama Bin Laden, were permitted to return to their country? A potential treasure trove of intelligence was allowed to flee the country-- including an alleged al-Qaeda intermediary who was said to have foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. Why did the FBI facilitate this evacuation, and why didn't the agency question the people on the planes? Why did Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of most of the hijackers, receive exclusive and preferential treatment from the White House even as the World Trade Center continued to burn?

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