
John Kerry Announces New Tax Plan

John Kerry unveiled his new economic plan today:

John Kerry, promising to create 10 million jobs and keep them in America, said Friday he would cut corporate taxes by 5 percent and eliminate tax loopholes that push jobs overseas....Time after time, (the Bush) administration has put ideology first and jobs last. Today, I'm announcing a new economic plan for America that will put jobs first," Kerry said in remarks prepared for delivery Friday at Wayne State University in Detroit.

Analysts say the plan is risky because it cuts the taxes of some rich corporations and doesn't focus enough on middle class voters. We'd like to hear what Maxspeak and Brad deLong have to say.

More than 2.2 million jobs have been lost under Bush. We think the criticism is unfounded and Kerry is focusing on jobs for workers:

We now have a tax code that has American taxpayers paying to ship jobs overseas," Kerry said. "That makes no sense. And if I am president, it will end."
Current tax laws allow American companies to defer paying taxes on income earned by their foreign subsidiaries until they bring it back to the United States. If they keep the money abroad, they avoid paying U.S. taxes entirely. Kerry would require companies to pay taxes on their international income as they earn it rather than being allow to defer it. The new system would apply to profits earned in future years only, not retroactively.

Give to Kerry.

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