
Vermont Okays Medical Marijuana

Good news from Vermont, via NORML:

Senate Bill 76, which enacts legal protections for people using marijuana to treat AIDS, cancer or multiple sclerosis, passed that Senate yesterday by a vote of 20-7. (See article.) Governor James Douglas, despite his previous opposition, has promised to allow it to become law without his signature.

Vermont now becomes the tenth state to legalize marijuana for medical use,
and only the second to do so through the legislative process. Vermont joins
Maine as the only medical marijuana states on the East Coast.

The article says Vermont becomes the 9th rather than 10th state to pass such a law because it doesn't count Arizona's law:

The other states are: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and Washington state already have laws allowing marijuana for medical needs. Arizona passed an initiative to allow marijuana by prescription, a largely symbolic law because federal law prohibits doctors from writing such prescriptions.

Ten down, forty to go.

Update : Drug War Rant comments, "patients will be allowed to grow 3 plants -- perfect for the medical marijuana patient who gets sick occasionally."

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