
More Fighting in Rush Limbaugh Case

Bump and update: Now the prosecution in the Limbaugh case is trying to hire a lawyer who is married to one of the judges on the appeals court considering the appeal (although not on the Rush case panel) to "assist" with the appeal. Will they will stoop to anything to win?

Original Post

The Rush Limbaugh case is getting nastier with each court hearing. Here's the latest, in which the prosecution accused Roy Black, Rush's lawyer, of misleading the court at a prior hearing on the legislative history of the medical records law:

The latest disagreement arose earlier this week when Assistant State Attorney James Martz told an appeals court that Limbaugh's attorney provided wrong information in the case. Both sides appeared before the 4th District Court of Appeal in April to debate whether Limbaugh's medical records, which were seized for the ongoing criminal investigation, should remain private.

During the court hearing, Limbaugh attorney Roy Black told judges that the Florida Legislature had at one time revised state law so that medical records could not be taken by search warrant. On Tuesday, Martz provided the court with information that Black's comments were incorrect.

But two days later, Black fired back, arguing that prosecutors were missing five years' worth of audiotapes of lawmakers' discussions when they made their assertions. "The prosecutor is wrong and his research recklessly incomplete," Black charged in a response filed Thursday in court. "Prosecutors may have many powers, but they do not have the power to skip five years of legislation and rewrite history." Black asked the court to fine Martz for his false accusations.

Ouch. Word of advice to prosecutors: If you go after the king, you better make sure you slay him.

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