
Action Alert: Medical Marijuana

If you're going to send only one e-mail this year to stop the war on medical marijuana users, now is the time. The Hinchey-Rohrabacher amendment comes to the House floor for a vote on Wednesday, July 7. It will bar the U.S. Justice Department from raiding, arresting or prosecuting patients who use medical marijuana in compliance with state law.

Help bring these federal drug raids--and the resulting arrests and prosecutions-- to an end. Visit here and urge your U.S. Representative to support the Hinchey-Rohrabacher amendment when it comes to the House floor for a vote this week. It will come up during consideration of the federal spending bill that funds the U.S. Justice Department (and the DEA). You must let your U.S. representative know that this vote is important to you.

Just enter your zip code (which will identify your U.S. representative). A prewritten message will be available. You can strengthen the message's influence by personalizing it. A final click on the "submit" button will automatically send it to your U.S. representative.

You can also call your U.S. representative's office through the Capitol switchboard. Just give the switchboard operator your city or zip code, and you will be connected to your U.S. representative's office:

877-762-8762 (toll-free)

Last year, over 150 members of Congress voted for this Amendment. This year, with your help, it can pass.

A transcript of last year's floor debate on the bill is here. Some talking points are here.

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