
TalkLeft Gets Press Credentials For Democratic Convention

It's official! We got a "formal notice" in the mail today that TalkLeft has been allocated press credentials for the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. We said this morning we were ecstatic that Kerry selected John Edwards as his running mate, and now we are doubly excited that we will be able to cover the events live and bring you some of the behind the scenes info the major media won't cover--and some news with attitude.

We could definitely use your help with expenses. It will cost us between $2,000.00 and $3,000.00 for airfare and hotel (see comments), and we'd like to raise that amount since we'll be losing a week at work. If you're in a position to assist, you can do so here via PayPal. If you'd like to donate anonymously, use Amazon. Both are secure. Many, many thanks.

Update: The DNCC's official blog, BostonDParty, is here--written by Matt Stoller and Eric Schnure.

Don't miss Pressthink's article by Jay Rosen here. Our update is here.

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