
White House Makes New Civil Liberties Threat

Is this blackmail or what? American Progress reports on Veto Threat 'Hysteria':

Facing the prospect of an embarrassing defeat in the House of Representatives, the White House issued a rare veto threat last night of a major spending bill should amendments pass that restrict the Patriot Act. Ignoring concerns from scores of states, cities and towns across the country, the White House is targeting an amendment sponsored by Reps. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Butch Otter (R-ID) that, if passed, would limit the Justice Department's ability to "require book dealers, libraries or others to surrender records" about ordinary Americans. The president "has not yet vetoed a bill sent to him by Congress" – and the veto threat is seen as proof that the White House is worried the legislation has enough votes in both parties to pass. If the amendment passes, it will move to the Senate, where Sens. Larry Craig (R-ID) and Richard Durbin (D-IL) have sponsored similar legislation in the past. If the measure reaches the president's desk, he would have to kill it by rejecting a bill that funds the entire Departments of Commerce, Justice and State.

TELL YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS TO RESIST WHITE HOUSE THREATS: The vote on the amendment in the House is scheduled for today. Contact your members of Congress and tell them to resist the White House's veto threats and intimidation tactics on the Patriot Act. Also, tell them to support the broader Civil Liberties Restoration Act (Senate bill S. 2528 or House bill H.R. 4591) – comprehensive legislation to reform the Patriot Act by limiting the government's ability to conduct secret arrests, requiring individuals be advised of the charges brought against them, and upholding federal privacy laws.

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