
Poll: 9 of 10 Dem. Delegates Think War Was Wrong

According to a new New York Times/CBS News poll, 9 out of 10 of the delegates attending this week's Democratic Convention in Boston think the war was wrong and not worth the cost:

Nine out of 10 of the Democratic delegates gathering in Boston this week think the United States should not have gone to war in Iraq and say the gains from the war were not worth the loss of American lives, a New York Times/CBS News poll shows..... Only 7 percent say "the United States did the right thing in taking military action against Iraq," while 86 percent say the United States should "have stayed out."

9 out of 10 delegates say they are now supporting John Kerry enthusiastically. As for issues of major concern to the delegates, Iraq, war and terrorism are not at the top of the list:

Only one in six cited them as most important. Half of the delegates, on the other hand, said the most important issues were the economy and jobs, and one-third of all voters agree.

The majority of the delegates say they are "political moderates." Happily, that's not the case on social justice issues. Then, the delegates slide a little to the left:

But on divisive social issues like abortion, the death penalty and gay marriage, the delegates are not only much more liberal than voters in general but substantially more liberal than typical Democratic voters. At every Democratic convention, the delegates hold more liberal positions than rank-and-file Democrats, just as Republican delegates are always more conservative than their voters. That is the nature of political activists.

This is good news to us, as we're hoping to find some kindred spirits in Boston, and we're not very good at playing centrist or cheering them on.

As to the Democratic platform on the war, here's the gist of it:

The position on Iraq taken by Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards, and set forth in the party platform the delegates will adopt on Tuesday, is that President Bush acted rashly by going to war based on faulty intelligence with insufficient support from allies and an inadequate plan for occupation after the war.

We can get behind that statement--and cheer it. As for the criticism of Kerry and Edwards on their former votes, we don't hold it against them that they won't say they would have voted differently:

But Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards voted to give the president the authority to use military force in Iraq, and unlike some other Democratic senators, they have refused to say they would have voted differently if they