Happy Third Blogiversary to Instapundit. Instapundit was one of the first blogs we began reading regularly, and Glenn was an especially gracious, early and frequent linker to TalkLeft. You'd be surprised at some of the important issues we agree on....but not if you knew deep down he has a libertarian heart. He's not the ultra-conservative many on the left make him out to be, although, on the war and Kerry, I sure wish I could change his mind. Hey, he even said he might vote for Gary Hart if he ran. In any event, no Instapundit-bashing allowed in the comments. At least not today.
Drug War Rant is celebrating its first blogiversary. Pete writes the best blog devoted to the insanity of the drug war. If you haven't been reading him, you should start now. He's just started an election guide that tracks the candidates' positions on drugs.
If the drug war is your topic, also don't miss Last One Speaks, by Libby Spencer. Libby is now doing double duty blogging politics for the Detroit News.
And congrats to Eli at left i on the news who just celebrated a first blogiversary.
And of course, there's Skippy, who not only turned two recently but hit the half-million visitor mark as well. And he got a bloglift- (y.w.c.t.p.) -not only does he not use caps, he now uses different colors for letters in the same word. And he's still funny.
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