
U.S. News & World: Bush Didn't Fulfill Service

U.S. News & World Report joins the fray and reports that Bush's military records appear to show that the president failed to fulfill his duty to the Air National Guard. They sum up:

A recent examination of the records by U.S. News does not appear to support Retired Air Force Colonel Albert C. Lloyd Jr.'s conclusions. Among the issues identified by the magazine:

  • The White House used an inappropriate–and less stringent–Air Force standard in determining that President Bush fulfilled his National Guard duty.
  • Even using this lesser standard, the president did not attend enough drills to complete his obligation to the Guard during his final year of service.

  • During the final two years of his service obligation, Bush did not comply with Air Force regulations that impose a time limit on making up missed drills. Instead, he took credit for makeup drills he participated in outside that time frame. Five months of drills missed by the President in 1972 were never made up, contrary to assertions made by the White House.

Here's what military law expert Eugene Fidell had to say:

....nothing in Bush's military file shows he received prior approval to miss any of the required drills. Under Air Force regulations, Bush was non-compliant with his military service obligation the moment he missed more than one month of weekend drills and by the third month he was in serious breach of his duty. "By then," Fidell says, "you should be thrown out of the program or, if there is a draft, called up for active duty."

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