
Log Cabin Republicans Unhappy With Bush/Rove Tactics

by TChris

The executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans -- the largest organization dedicated to the interests of gay and lesbian Republicans -- has asked President Bush to "stop attacking gay families on the campaign trail." He also asked Republicans to stop "feigning outrage" over Senator Kerry's reference to Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter during the last presidential debate.

"The reality is the type of outrage that is being expressed by some Republicans should be expressed at themselves. They've decided to use gay families as wedge issues across America in swing states -- that is truly outrageous," he told CNN's "American Morning."

[Patrick] Guerriero said members of his group are "insulted by a campaign that has attempted to amend the Constitution, and in too many states we've seen discriminatory amendments that would deny hospital visitation and domestic partnership legislation." He also pointed to fliers that the Republican National Committee sent to voters in Arkansas and Virginia, which say "banned" over a picture of the Bible and "allowed" over a picture of a man apparently proposing marriage to another man.

Karl Rove's decision to bash gay and lesbian Americans in order to drum up votes for Bush in swing states is, according to Guerriero, a significant but unreported story in this election. Perhaps this election will convince the Log Cabin Republicans that they'd be better served by supporting a party that embraces diversity.

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