
Judge Posner's Ruling on Absentee Ballots

Received from a reliable source:

On September 8, oral arguments were offered in the case of Griffin v. Roupas before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. The plaintiffs argued that the way the absentee ballot system works in Illinois (a) discriminates against people like working mothers, and (b) makes it easier for a well organized machine to defraud the system.

Yesterday, with BLINDING SPEED--ie, in time for the election--Judge Richard Posner handed down the following decision, rudely, curtly, missing the plaintiff's arguments by a mile.

The briefs can be downloaded here (type 03 in first bank, 3770 in second). The oral arguments can be heard here:

Bottom line: The broad langauge of Judge Posner's precedent will make it harder to challenge states when they take actions to restrict voting opportunities, especially working people and low-income voters.

Watch the games begin November 3.

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