
The Future of the Supreme Court Under Bush vs. Kerry

Companion articles in today's Recorder examines the likely differences in the replacement of the Supreme Court Justices in a Bush Aministration and a Kerry Administration. It describes each potential choice and the reasons for their selection.

The short list for Bush:

4th Circuit Judges Judges J. Harvie Wilkinson III, and J. Michael Luttig, ; Former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson; former Solicitor General Theodore Olson; White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales

The short list for Kerry:

D.C. Circuit Judge David Tatel, former Solicitor General Drew Days, Second Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayor, California Chief Justice Ronald George and former Stanford Law School Dean Kathleen Sullivan.

Adam Cohen in today's New York Times opines on just how awful a Bush re-election will be to the future of our Supreme Court.

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