
Pentagon Promotes Abu Ghraib General

So much for accountability for misdeeds that occur on your watch. The Pentagon reports that Maj. General Geoffrey Miller, who was in charge of Guantanamo prison from 2002 to 2004 as well as Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, where widespread torture and abuse occurred, has been promoted:

Miller ran Guantanamo Bay from October 2002 to March 2004 and has been credited by senior Pentagon officials with improving the amount of useful intelligence gleaned from terrorism suspects held there. In August 2003, Miller was sent to Iraq to provide advice on the screening of detainees, their interrogations and the collection of intelligence. Among his recommendations was that military police be actively involved in ``setting the conditions'' for successful interrogations.

Miller's promotion puts him in a senior staff position at the Pentagon.

Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller will be the Army's assistant chief of staff for installation management, with responsibility for the housing, environmental and other support operations at Army bases.

Meet the new boss in Iraq. He's Maj. Gen. William Brandenburg. His background:

.... [he was] deputy commander of the U.S. Army Pacific, based in Hawaii, since August 2003. He served much of his career in the infantry, mostly in Europe and the United States. He also was chief of staff of the Army's 5th Corps, its largest organization in Europe.

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