
Cali Cartel Founder Extradited to U.S.

Rodriguez Orejuela, along with his brother, Miguel, founded the infamous Colombian Cali cocaine cartel. Now 64, he has been in a Colombian jail for 9 years. Friday night, he was extradited to the U.S. and en route to Miami to stand trial. Big prize for law enforcement. Big unnecessary prize.

U.S. customs and immigration agents are bragging they spend over 100,000 man hours on the project to extradite Orejuela and that he will be the biggest druglord ever tried in the U.S. While there's no mention of the number of hours the FBI or DEA spent on the case, you can bet they were similarly huge.

Once again, Osama bin forgotten. Why weren't these customs and other agents tracking down terror threats? John Ashcroft came out with a gloating statement on the extradition today. The same John Ashcroft who cut the FBI's anti-terrorism budget by $58 billion just before September 11.

The Cali cartel was not into massacres of public officials. Their deal was bribery of political officials in Colombia.

Do you feel safer tonight knowing that Mr. Orejuela, a relic of a drug dealer, will spend the rest of his days in a U.S. jail instead of one in Colombia, fighting and appealing the charges against him, while the world's leading terrorist freely roams Pakistan, Iran or Afghanistan, or wherever he is? Your tax dollars at work. How clueless can this Administration get?

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