
Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial Nominations

Evangelcal leader James Dobson is on the warpath. He has targeted six Senators who are facing reelection in 2006 and threatened that if they block conservative judicial appointees, he'll use his muscle to remove them.

In a letter his aides say is being sent to more than one million of his supporters, Dr. Dobson, the child psychologist and founder of the evangelical organization Focus on the Family, promises "a battle of enormous proportions from sea to shining sea" if President Bush fails to appoint "strict constructionist" jurists or if Democrats filibuster to block conservative nominees.

The six are: Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Dayton of Minnesota, Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico and Bill Nelson of Florida.

Who does he think he is, Popeye? Someone ought to think up a ditty about him we can spread around -- "I'm Dobson, the ________man."

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    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#1)
    by Ray Radlein on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 12:16:15 AM EST
    Robert Byrd? Robert Byrd? That tiny little man thinks that he can have any effect whatsoever in the re-election prospects of Robert Byrd? Um, wow.

    I think Dobson has had his sights on Dayton ever since he called the FMA "un-Christian"

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#3)
    by Ray Radlein on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 12:18:26 AM EST
    ??? What happened there? Anyway, to reiterate: Robert Byrd? That tiny man thinks that he can possibly have the least bit of influence on the re-election prospects of Robert Byrd? Um, wow.

    I'm Dobson the pious man My plan is a Christian plan The pols must say "Amen" Or Jesus will slay them I'm Dobson the pious man Amen!

    Byrd was born Nov. 20, 1917. He will be 90 in the first year of his next six-year term, if he is reelected once more. I suspect he will be senator-for-life Byrd, and Dobson will not have a good shot until the target becomes Byrd's appointed replacement--which may or may not be in the 2006 election.

    I'm Dobson, the Bible Man I'm Dobson, the Reformer Man, I'll scout out disbelievers hang them upside down in a tree and I'll leave them there until they agree with m.see if they then don't agree with me

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#8)
    by Peaches on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 05:16:36 AM EST
    I'm Dobson, the christian man A true believer, yes I am God tells me which senators shall be serving another term I'm Dobson the Christian man! Toot, Toot!

    What the hell does he think this is a democracy??? Who told him that he had the right of free speech? I've never seen Jackson or Sharpton try to influence an election (or recount)! Let's get this guy. Mark W.....still the PRESIDENT Filibuster proof/06

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#10)
    by cp on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 06:26:41 AM EST
    watching dobson go after byrd would be very entertaining. talk about a mismatch, byrd would have him for a cocktail snack. byrd, throughout his career, has survived the political plagues, dobson would be a mere blip on the screen. might even have to tie one side of byrd's tongue behind his neck, to make it a fair match! lol dobson, falwell, robertson, et al suffer from an inflated sense of their own importance to bush's re-election. i'm sure they had some influence, just not nearly as much as they would have themselves believe. i'm sure mr. dobson would have an effect on the re-elections of the named targets, but the consequences of provincial backlash against him may well be more than he bargained for, certainly a greater cost than whatever he might stand to gain. you know, i truly love politics, and embezzlement, the only games that any idiot can play in this country!

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#12)
    by Peaches on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 06:59:59 AM EST
    J4, We'll see you at the inaugural. yeah, fine. Your side won! Good for you. Go sip a martini.

    I'm Dobson the Righteous Man* I'm Dobson the Righteous Man I'm loathe to the Gays 'Cuz of my latent "tendensayz" I'm Dobson the Righteous Man. I hate those in my Christian nation preaching church/state separation or evolution over creation...anywhere I threaten and harrass 'em Whiles stayin' tax-exempted an' they won't gits re-elected next year! Cuz If you oppose my agenda I'll smear ya and outspend ya It's "Wham", you Godless libs un 'erstan'? So, you better vote how I say Or an electoral fatwah's comin your way From Dobson the Righteous Man. *I preferred to use "Righteous Ass" but I was held within the constraints of the original request.

    By the way...These were the lyrics I was working off of.

    What we need to do is go "hunting for bear" on these folks. The Xian Fundimentalists have hijacked the Republican party. Goldwater is probably spinning in his coffin. Who are the six most screwed up Republicans we need to force out of office? Figure it out. We are the majority. We can do it if we do the groundwork.

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#18)
    by Richard Aubrey on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 08:15:01 AM EST
    Think of Dobson as having Michael Moore's energy, the organization MoveOn thought they had, and the money--in terms of grassroots effort for free--that Soros thought he could buy. Not to mention a really easy target in Byrd, ex KKKer, who, as a democrat, always got a pass on a racist past (Trent Lott, anyone?). Dobson is also not an oxygen waster like Moore, Moveoners, and Soros & Co. He also has a huge following as a child psychiatrist whose writings on the subject are humane and remarkably sympathetic, which also leaves out the dems' hot shots. Do I sniff despair? Special pleading? Double standards? Yes, I believe I do. Familiar in this territory, too.

    KKKer, who, as a democrat, always got a pass on a racist past (Trent Lott, anyone?). "Past" being the key word there. If he was still a KKKer that might cause some consternation. And Trent Lott got in trouble because he praised Strom Thurmond's racist past.

    Dobson is not a "child psychologist." He is an MD with no training in psychology.

    Lots of interesting comments, but not a single one asking questions about the tax status of Dobson's organization, so I will ask it. What is his tax status?

    James Dobson is kind of a sick puppy.

    Life is good. [Ed. this commenter is limited to four comments a day. He's reached his limit already. Additional comments will be deleted.]

    Wasn't Byrd grand wizard of the KKK because in the south at that time , according to Byrd, if you wanted to get elected "you had to be a member of the klan". He must of REALLY wanted to be elected if he worked his way up to grand wizard. There are a lot of evangelicals in West Virginia, I am sure if he thinks it is politically expediant, he will do whatever gets him reelcted. I just hope he is better at hiding his true colors than John "I have conservative values" Kerry was. No one thought 2 years ago Daschle would be run out of office for being an obstructionist. Oh how times have changed. See you at the inaugural! [Ed. this commenter is limited to four comments a day. He's reached his limit already. Additional comments will be deleted.]

    Censor ship from the left? Nooooo

    You'd think I was a conservative wanting to speak on a college campus

    Talk Left, You were able to sum up the entire problem with today's liberalism with your question: "Who does he think he is?" As if only liberals have the right to organize, protest, legislate, and debate. Your question should be, "How do we beat him?" or dare I say, "How do we show him the error of his ways?" The tax exempt status is interesting, but be careful what you wish for. There are plenty of left leaning churches and organizations that also play fast and loose with the rules (NAACP, for example). Grow up!

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#26)
    by soccerdad on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 09:30:19 AM EST
    Dobson is one of a number of mostly far right evangelical people who are considered Doninionists. [Note not all evangelicals are such]. They strongly believe that the country should be run by gods people. Thus it is their goal to place religious people at all levels of the government. Here's a quote from pat Robertson "God's blessing is on him [GWB]. Its the blessing of heaven on the emperor" For those who don't know much about dominionism or are worried about the US becoming a theocratic state then this is a good place to start. The best source on the web for information is at Theocracy Watch I must admit it took me probably a year to start taking this as seriously as i do now.

    True Libersl, if Dobson were running for office, I'd say "how do we beat him." He's not. He's running a "smear and fear" campaign against elected officials, financed by his evangelical supporters. His goal is to erase the separation of church and state and impose his religious values on our legislative and judicial branches of government. He will be stopped but only if enough information about what he is trying to do gets out to the public. That's our goal.

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#29)
    by soccerdad on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 09:37:07 AM EST
    There is also a good history of the movement at Religious Tolerance

    J4564--it's not censorship, I'm not the Government. You're a "chatterer" and a troll, and you try to hijack the comments threads. No go. This thread is about Dobson, not Byrd. Four a day, come back tomorrow... if you must. You're over limit now, additional comments today will be deleted.

    You know, I think I'd like to see that sanctimonious Dobson try and take on Byrd. If that doesn't motivate the Dem base, nothing will.

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#30)
    by cp on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 10:04:16 AM EST
    j, buddy, pal. let me clue you in: you are a particularly uninteresting person, masquerading as a conservative. along the lines of rush, ann, sean, et al. glad i could clear that up for you. i, too, wondered about fof's tax status, relative to this obvious partisan political activity. activity which would seem to be in violation of the prohibitions of IRC Sect. 501(c)(3), which it is organized under. possibly, he intends to set up a Sect. 527 organization to accomplish this. sen. byrd long ago repudiated his past membership in the kkk. noxious as it was, i almost believe him when he contends it was the only way to get elected to public office. an interesting decision: do you go ahead and join, even though you are repulsed, but knowing you can do some good in office for all citizens or, do you take the high ground, refuse to join, knowing your chances of accomplishing any good are nil as a result? you make the call! george wallace also repudiated his earlier stands on segregation, shortly before his death. he also claimed, and there is some factual evidence to support this, that it was more politics than racist. it doesn't excuse it, it does kind of explain it. does that make it any better? no, it doesn't, not in the least. racism, or even the appearance thereof, is heinous, period. on the other hand, politicians play the game all the time. now it's "values", tomorrow it will likely be something else. would i vote for sen. byrd, knowing his background? beats me. of course, since i don't live in west va, that's not a decision i have to make. the citizens of west va seem to have accomodated themselves however, else he wouldn't still be in congress. frankly tl, i think you're getting a bit hysterical. what he's done is get himself an enormous amount of free publicity. it remains to be seen if that can translate into political power. again, i think all these guys have an inflated view of their power to sway the masses, and not just their own choirs.

    I am sure Dobson considers himself selected by God to put us on the Righteous path and make sure we become Theocratic States of America sooner rather than later. Let's not forget that he has the President and his administration's blessing in this.

    Christian ayatollah!

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#33)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 11:17:56 AM EST
    cp, Nice retort to the troll sliming of Byrd. I don't care what his affiliations were 50 years ago. I remember his floor speeches in March of 2003 warning everyone about what we were about to do. Very poignant. He gets a pass for that alone, even though I'm not sure if he voted for the Oct. 02 resolution. Nevertheless, that resolution was never a vote for a war. Richard Aubrey's thinly veiled attempt to discredit the people working hardest for the liberal agenda (Moveon, etc) should be treated the same as J's tripe. It's just tripe with better composition. BOT, True Lib, why do you waste commenting time debating a rhetorical question? No one on the left has a problem with Dobson's right to free speech, only his agenda. But as always, wingers try to deflect the discussion of the real issue, which is religious extremism from the right. Dobson is dangerous, yes. But will he have a chunk of corporate media to spread his gospel? Then the masses will surely be coerced into following his agenda of fear and devine retribution. How will Murdoch and the boys at Clear Channel receive him?

    J4564--In the South Evangelical Christians = the KKK, historically. They believe that the Bible upholds slavery! Let's not forget that the Evangelical Christians are trying to speed up the "end times." We Lefties, as true believers in helping our fellow man, need to start dragging our feet big time to slow down the careening bus! Let me know how, and MY heels will be dug in.

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#35)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 11:21:23 AM EST
    And TonyB has the best lyrics so far IMHO.

    I don't have the stomach to finish the ditty, but shouldn't it start "I'm Dobson the hanger man."

    I think it's safe to assume that Dobson would go after those 6 even if they rolled over and voted for Bork to become Chief Justice. After all, they're not members of the GOP (which is more and more turning into God's Own Party). This is all posturing on his part, so if/when one or more of these Senators does something Dobson does approve of (like getting himself defeated), Dobson can claim credit whether he deserves it or not.

    I don't see a whole lot of difference between what Dobson says he wants to do and what the ACLU, the NAACP, the NEA and now MoveOn.org have been doing for years. He'll sling his mud, they'll sling theirs. He'll organize his voters, they'll organize theirs. The voters will still get to make their choice on election day (or primary day). It's called life in a democracy and we all have to live with it.

    Anybody got Dobson's phone and fax numbers? We should call him to give him a piece of our mind ;-).

    I don't see a whole lot of difference between what Dobson says he wants to do and what the ACLU, the NAACP, the NEA and now MoveOn.org have been doing for years. I don't think any of those groups wants to make the United States a theocracy. Dobson does. Those who wrote the Constitution saw this guy coming 230 years ago...because his type was a well recognized threat to Republican government way back then.

    They brag about stolen elections, because to them power is equivalent to right. The funny part is that every single thing they've 'accomplished' has been done by lies, cheating, threats, or conspiracy. Their credibility is close to absolute zero, but they hope the bluster will last. If not, there's always outright violence. Bush and his whole posse of traitors just lost the last election. They do not have the demographics they brag about, hoping to lead the market. They survive through the calumny of billionaires, and ranks of politician/lobbyists who hate democracy exactly because they don't have enough legal votes. Dobson and his ilk have been beating the bushes for 'Christian' loonies for decades, and this kind of scare tactic doesn't worry anyone. --

    Re: Evangelical Threatens Democrats Over Judicial (none / 0) (#42)
    by David on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 05:49:32 PM EST
    Isn't it time for Larry Flynt to offer a lot of money to anyone who has dirt on Dobson?

    How about "Jimmy D the autofellatin' attemptin' preacherman." Hey, his book. ;)

    James C. Dobson, the nation's most influential evangelical leader In his dreams. Most Republicans have no idea who this guy is. Most fear the Rev. Al Sharpton more.

    And TonyB has the best lyrics so far IMHO.
    Thanks, Che.

    Ernesto, No, they don't want to run it into a theocracy. But they do want to take it down their own preferred path. Dobson is free to espouse what he wants the future to be and we are free to espouse what we want. Trying to paint this as some nefarious scheme is ridiculous.

    cp writes - " i almost believe him when he contends it was the only way to get elected to public office." No, not true. It didn't hurt, but he didn't have to belong. Neo writes - "In his dreams. Most Republicans have no idea who this guy is. Most fear the Rev. Al Sharpton more." Fear Sharpton? I'm lol. And most Repubs know very well who Dobson is. Collen Powell is quoted as calling him a "Rollodex Ranger." He can bring considerable heat, especially in tight party primaries. But, I don't think he can do much with the list he claims to have targeted. Ernedsto writes - "I don't think any of those groups wants to make the United States a theocracy." Dobson and many others argue that the groups you defend want to make the country a Secular Theocracy. Now that may sound silly to you and me, but everytime some school administration does something stupid, or the ACLU sues the Boy Scouts, a few thousand more "Rollodex Rangers" are created.

    'Secular theocracy' is a contradiction in terms. As for a secular government, yeah, read the Constitution. It DIRECTLY opposes the overt intent of Dobson and other dominionists. They are anti-American, and their plans are in fact a pale form of treason. They are acting to undermine legitimate government in our Republic, based on their idea of Godly entitlement, and the ruthlessness of (overtly racist) fanaticism. It is equivalent, and in several cases actually the same, as the KKK taking over the government because the Constitution didn't bar slavery from the start. Nothing the ACLU has ever done has been like that at all, and these 'thousands' are otherwise known a KOOKS, aka the lunatic fringe. Let's all fight duels, because God wants us too. And you can kill as many Jews as you like -- they killed Jesus. We mustn't allow the enemies of the Protestant fatherland to diminish our Aryan roots. --

    Paul In LA - Please, catch a clue. Secular Theocracy may be un pleasing to you, etc., but if a bunch of people believe, they believe. And trust me on this. They wouldn't pay you one bit of attention.

    It is a contradiction, used solely for cognitive dissonance and nothing more. It is brainwashing for religious racists and homophobes. The KKK believes that people in interracial marriages should be lynched. The only difference between Dobson/Zev Miller and the KKK... oh, wait, there is no difference. --

    "Secular theocracy" isn't "un pleasing", as Poker Player has it. It's meaningless. If you mean a secularist despotism, go ahead and say so, but "secular theocracy" is no more a contribution to discussion than "crowded vacancy" or "identical opposites".

    Well I hate to admit this, but I have been getting Dobson's newsletter for a while. I have no idea how I got on his mailing list. I do read it, if only out of morbid curiosity (and they don't even have the decency to send it covered in a plain brown wrapper). What I can gather from his rantings is that he wants official government policy to be based on biblical prophecy. Now if that ain't the definition of a theocracy then what is? At some point I will do a net search and produce a bunch of quotes from Dobson illustrating this and also quotes from the Founding Fathers on how creepy they found the 18th century equivalents of Dobson (which probably were indistinguishable from the present day one, actually).