
Five Dem Activists Charged With Slashing Tires of GOP Workers

A few bad apples?

The [five]activists - all employees of the John Kerry campaign - are accused of flattening the tires on 25 vehicles rented by the state Republican Party to get out the vote and deliver poll watchers Nov. 2.

Yes, if they did it, it's wrong. But let's not forget the presumption of innocence. Watch out for a big legal battle in this case, though. Milwaukee uber-lawyer James Shellow represents Sowande Omokunde, one of those charged. Omokunde is the son of Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis., and Michael Pratt, the son of former Milwaukee acting mayor Marvin Pratt.

The Kerry campaign has acknowledged the five were paid employees of the campaign but maintains that they were not acting on its behalf.

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    IDIOTS!! They've got them on video with the surveillance cameras.

    I have no idea why some kids would do something so dull-witted, but on the other hand why not? But don't think the kids did it just one more setup by the rats in the GOP.

    If they got 1,400 soldiers killed just to win a mandate, I'd get worked up. We have that on video too.

    Re: Five Dem Activists Charged With Slashing Tires (none / 0) (#4)
    by scarshapedstar on Mon Jan 24, 2005 at 09:41:51 PM EST
    Speaking of videos, I heard that a president was caught on tape reading a children's book while his people died.

    No 'buts' about it. Felonies are wrong, and those who do them are wrong. Forget the excuses.

    Glad to see that someone still gets the "innocent until proven guilty" benefit. I wonder if that would be the case were it five Bush campaign workers accused of slashing the tires of Kerry campaign get-out-the-vote vehicles. Chances are we'd be hearing about how this was yet another example of voter disenfranchisement instead. If these people are in fact found guilty (I haven't seen the alleged videotape, so I have no idea of whether they are guilty or not - so please spare me the diatribes), I hope they get the book thrown at them. From the sounds of it, this was not simple vandalism, it was yet another effort to affect the outcome of the election. This kidn of thing is wrong no matter who is perpetrating it.