
Bloggers Join to Oppose Alberto Gonzales

Many bloggers are joining together over at Daily Kos to argue against the confirmation of Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General.

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented actions. In this case, we, the undersigned bloggers, have decided to speak as one and collectively author a document of opposition....With this nomination, we have arrived at a crossroads as a nation. Now is the time for all citizens of conscience to stand up and take responsibility for what the world saw, and, truly, much that we have not seen, at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere. We oppose the confirmation of Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General of the United States, and we urge the Senate to reject him.

Watch this film from Human Rights First on Gonzales. And via Norwegianity:

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  • Re: Bloggers Join to Oppose Alberto Gonzales (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Jan 25, 2005 at 07:51:45 PM EST
    You can yell all you want, but he is one of the bush boys, and he will get his day at doing his thing and that thing is removment anything in bush's way, and imprisoning all the people he can, and starting aztlan for real. the beginning of the fight for real freedom his started, you just don't know it yet. rape of the bill of rights has started and bush needs you not to see that fact, and say nothing but yes to this evil.

    Re: Bloggers Join to Oppose Alberto Gonzales (none / 0) (#2)
    by clio on Tue Jan 25, 2005 at 08:26:40 PM EST
    Has TalkLeft formally joined the Daily Kos list? Your sentiments are clear, and it seems importatnt that all of us in opposition publically unite on this.

    Re: Bloggers Join to Oppose Alberto Gonzales (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Jan 25, 2005 at 08:49:58 PM EST
    No, TalkLeft has not formally joined. I'm still concerned that whoever we get in his place will be worse. And that the Dems may need to hold their fire for the Supreme Court replacement. The AG position is three years or less. A supreme court appointment is for life. So, yes, I think Gonzales is bad, but no, I'm not calling for his rejection, just giving as much publicity as I can to those who are. If we survived Ashcroft, we can survive Gonzales. I'm more concerned with whether our system of justice will survive a Supreme Court packed by Bush's right wing ideologues.

    Re: Bloggers Join to Oppose Alberto Gonzales (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jan 26, 2005 at 07:33:16 AM EST
    TL, nornmally I'd be in agreement with you, but in the case of Ashcroft leaving and Gonzales taking his place as representing the 'lesser of two evils', I am reminded that while Ashcroft spent a lot of time spinning his wheels in vainglorious press conferences that later demonstrated his incompetence, Gonzales was quietly making like the 'Grey Eminence' behind the Bush throne, crafting these horrible twists on laws. He's much more dangerous than looney old Crisco Johnny ever could be. Ashcroft was like a loose cannon, pointlessly shooting his wad every which way; Gonzales is like a sniper who picked his targets carefully while keeping his camouflage largely intact until just last year.

    Re: Bloggers Join to Oppose Alberto Gonzales (none / 0) (#5)
    by Bob on Thu Jan 27, 2005 at 03:05:21 PM EST
    Re: Bloggers Join to Oppose Alberto Gonzales (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jan 27, 2005 at 08:54:37 PM EST
    i think the whole abu graib abuse scandal was blown way out of proportion making mountains out of mole hills is whats costing our party elections and credability. our party leaders must learn to pick our battles more selectively.we must continue to fight for what we believe,how ever we must do so without exagerating and embelishing every little news story thats put in front of us.