
White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign

White supremacists across the nation have begun a billboard campaign to recruit new members.

White supremacist groups around the country are moving aggressively to recruit new members by promoting their violent, racist ideologies on billboards, in radio commercials and in leaflets tossed on suburban driveways.

The group behind the ads is the National Alliance.

.... The local chapter spent $1,500 on MetroLink ads here in St. Louis last month, plastering nearly every commuter train car in the city with a blue-and-white placard declaring "The Future belongs to us!" and listing the group's Web site and phone number.

"We want to use mainstream advertising to say to the public: We're not a shadowy group. This is what we believe in, and we're proud of it," said chapter leader Aaron Collins.

The ads are also on display in Utah, Nevada and Florida.

Watchdog groups fear increased violence from these organizations as they grow. But perhaps an even greater fear is that the new public relations strategy will let neo-Nazis recast themselves as just another voice on the political spectrum — even when that voice might be advocating genocide.

Watching with mounting alarm, civil rights monitors say these tactics stake out a much bolder, more public role for many hate groups, which are trying to shed their image as shadowy extremists and claim more mainstream support.

Look at some of the places they are getting mailing lists:

The National Alliance even bought a membership list and mailing labels from the Florida Bar Association last year so it could send an eight-page recruitment letter, complete with anti-Semitic cartoons, to 2,500 criminal defense lawyers.

Should groups sell their mailing lists to everyone? Should they use case by case judgment and retain the right to say no in particular instances? Or should they make a pre-emptive strike by turning down the sometimes very-much needed money they get from mailing lists, and refuse to sell the lists to anyone.

[Comments hijacked, now closed]

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    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 13, 2005 at 10:17:16 PM EST
    $1,500 buys you enough ads to put in nearly every commuter train car in St. Louis?

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 13, 2005 at 10:21:45 PM EST
    ".......We're not a shadowy group. This is what we believe in, and we're proud of it,".... Anytime you take part in an event that requires you to wear a hood, it kinda flies in the face “we are proud of it”. Do you think they are maybe just a little upset over Islam getting the attention?

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#3)
    by Ray Radlein on Sun Feb 13, 2005 at 10:55:13 PM EST
    "The Future Belongs to Us!"? Oh. My. God.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#4)
    by bad Jim on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 12:34:06 AM EST
    Bush's reelection was the validating moment.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 05:59:07 AM EST
    Nooooooo, people. This is not a conservative cause. This crowd is on their own.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 06:26:23 AM EST
    The neocons can run from these folks all they want, like Dr. Ace, these folks are redstaters. The bread and butter of the neocon electorate. Let's see, Utah, Nevada, Florida, Missouri... hmmm .... are those all redstates? You connect the dots, kimosabe. They vote for your candidates, Cliffie, Dr. Ace, Jim. They share many, most, if not all of your core ideas and assumptions, they just take it a step further and the honesty of that step reveals much and sends Dr. Ace skittering saying "noooooo, these people are on their own." Progressives have our crazy tree spiking cousins that we have to recognize as our political cousins and conservatives have the neocons and white supremacists.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#7)
    by Kitt on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 07:29:10 AM EST
    Remember Dave Neiwert out of Seattle keeps up on stuff like this as well; it's his forte. He's at Orcinus.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 07:38:59 AM EST
    Go over to LGF or Freerepublic and read the comments. Many of those people are one step away.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#9)
    by kdog on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 07:43:08 AM EST
    I don't know CA, if some blue state crack head votes the same as I do, we are automatically linked in ideology? I would hope not. This is precisely why I won't join a political party or political group. My views are my own, they are diverse (some say strange), and I wouldn't want the actions or beliefs of a group to pigeonhole me. Let your own conscience be your guide and be an individual. The actions of others have no bearing on me or my beliefs. I have no affiliation with "tree spikers", even if they did vote for Kerry in '04 or Nader in '00. Voting the same does not an affiliation make.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#10)
    by glanton on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 07:54:28 AM EST
    Though I am (grudgingly) a registered Dem, I have to agree with kdog on this. I think Ann Coulter recently wrote something to the effect that, "if you're at the age of fifteen and haven't decided yet whether you're a liberal or a conservative, you might be retarded." There is obviously something profoundly wrong with that way of thinking, yet unfortunately, at the same time she pretty nicely articulates the general thinking. I got a lot of problems with the GOP, but to hold, say, Dubya or Doctor Ace accountable for the actions of this group is highly disingenuous. People first, political affiliations second.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#11)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 07:55:48 AM EST
    There you leftists go again, trying to hang the sheep with the goats.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#12)
    by scarshapedstar on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 07:58:58 AM EST
    "Nooooooo, people. This is not a conservative cause. This crowd is on their own." Uh, BS, Doctor. I'm going to have to direct you to this Orcinus post. Yes, those racist Southern professors sure sound like a bunch of liberals to me.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#13)
    by scarshapedstar on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 08:01:00 AM EST
    Oh and those are most definitely just the tip of the iceberg. Heck, maybe you ought to just email Neiwert and tell him that you firmly believe there is no contact between conservative leaders and white supremacists. That'd be an interesting response.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#14)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 08:06:22 AM EST
    Never said any such thing, Scar. See my post just before yours. Ironically, even when you presume to comprehend reality, you end up shucking and jiving to the leftist orthodoxy.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#15)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 08:20:47 AM EST
    Perhaps we ought to be asking some questions...like why is this starting to raise it's head...again? And I don't mean just politics. I am talking economics. Are these eruptions happening in economically depressed regions of the US? If so, why are they depressed? It's obvious, from history, that whenever people get their backs up against the wall, in any country, you have a rise in incidents like this. The following article about the resurgence of neo-Naziism in economically depressed regions of Germany help to make my point. But those economic conditions are the result of human decisions. If we don't learn the how's and why's, we'll soon be feeling the effects of the 'therefore's.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#16)
    by scarshapedstar on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 08:25:12 AM EST
    "Nooooooo, people. This is not a conservative cause. This crowd is on their own." -Doctor Ace "there is no contact between conservative leaders and white supremacists." -scarshapedstar Vive la difference?

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#17)
    by pigwiggle on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 09:09:11 AM EST
    I think it would be fair to ask the right to claim Christian Identity, the Klan, StormFront, National Alliance, et al. when you on the left claim Pol Pot, Mao, Lenin and Stalin, Castro, Mussolini, et al.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#18)
    by glanton on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 09:22:53 AM EST
    pigwiggle: But I as a liberal claim none of the ones you mention. And I don't remember anyone else on TL doing so either. Kucinich is about as far as I'm willing to go. ;-)

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#19)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 09:27:14 AM EST
    With the conservative Christians snarling attacks on gays and lesbians, (with the Administration's approval) which are also targets of skinheads, I think they have been enboldened to push their agenda. They're an equal hate group - non-whites and gays.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#20)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 09:44:49 AM EST
    Twice as many blacks voted Republican this election as last. What conservative has "attacked" gays. By the way, no-name, are you aware that twice as many black women have abortions by percentage as are the general population? Are you comfortable with that? No-name, do you think you could shuck and jive a little closer to the dogma for our entertainment please?

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#21)
    by kdog on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 09:52:39 AM EST
    I consider myself left pigwiggle (I guess?)...why should I claim totalitarians like Stalin? I believe in freedom just like you, and conservatives (I would hope!). Just as the "right" shouldn't have to claim the Klan. Can't we just leave them both in the "whacko" column?

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#22)
    by pigwiggle on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 09:59:42 AM EST
    I’m not suggesting anyone claim these folks. I was simply pointing out how stupid it is to suggest there is tacit approval from republicans for these hate groups; just as stupid to suggest there is tacit approval for the agenda and tactics of notorious socialists from the left.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#23)
    by glanton on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 10:13:24 AM EST
    Pigwiggle: We're in total agreement. Doctor Ace: We're largely in agreement on this thread, too. And I believe you that you harbor no hatred for homosexuals. But.... don't you think the backlash by conservatives, including Santorum and Thume and Dobson and Falwell and nearly every contributor to townhall.com, etc., against _Lawrence v Texas_, signifies a healthy contingent of gay haters in the consrevative fold? Or am I misunderstanding something here? I mean, if you wanna throw people in jail for being gay, where exactly are you in relation to gay people?

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#24)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 10:30:09 AM EST
    What conservative has [sic] "attacked" gays. Well, look at Focus on the Family and whatever Jerry Falwell is calling his organization nowadays. They are constantly attacking the "gay agenda" going to such ridiculous lengths as attacking groups that support such harmless things promoting "tolerating differences in sexual identity". I think it would be fair to ask the right to claim Christian Identity, the Klan, StormFront, National Alliance, et al. when you on the left claim Pol Pot, Mao, Lenin and Stalin, Castro, Mussolini, et al This is not fair, the extreme right wing groups you cite are all domestic organizations (and would classify as terrorist organizations if they were nominally muslim rather than christian in their theology). All the left wing individuals (and since Mussolini--a fascist and definitely on the right so he doesn't even fit) you mention are all foreigners that never (with the possible exception of Lenin and Stalin) had much direct influence on the left wing in this country and certainly not on the Democratic Party. Of all the groups mentioned the Klan probably had the biggest influence on the Democratic Party. And I believe that we have properly atoned for that sin. The Republicans are the ones, with their southern strategy, that now bear that cross. The Klan was the most powerful terrorist organization that ever existed in this Country. It operated under a reign of terror in a good part of the south and parts of the midwest (Indiana especially) for almost eighty years. Between 1880 and 1965 there were almost 5000 documented lynchings in this country. After the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts drove the racists from the Democratic party to the Republican party in the 1970s the Republicans continued and continue, through veiled appeals to racism, to pander to the far right.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#25)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 10:53:40 AM EST
    Drove what racists where, Fred? Al Gore's father voted against every civil righst bill he saw when he was a senator. These bills would never have passed without Republican support. What veiled appeals? And what's wrong with that sentence that led you to "sic" it? Seems you can shuck and jive pretty good too...

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#26)
    by pigwiggle on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 10:56:42 AM EST
    “This is not fair, the extreme right wing groups you cite are all domestic organizations” Fine, insert Pim Fortuyn or any other non-domestic far right racist organization; don’t split hairs, the point stands. “had much direct influence on the left wing in this country and certainly not on the Democratic Party.” The point being, not influence but shared ideology, respect, and tacit support for the tactics and goals. Your not claiming Christian Identity et al. has influence on the Republican Party, or even common membership; are you? “and since Mussolini--a fascist and definitely on the right so he doesn't even fit” As a young adult Mussolini edited a socialist newspaper called “the class struggle”, and before the consolidation of his power worked for an even more prominent socialist paper, Avanti, where he called for the proletariat to organize in preparation for seizing their due power. He abolished all unions placing their legitimacy under entities he call ‘corporations’ which centralized labor and production, all under government control. Sure he was a fascist, how else are you going to keep folks living under the unnatural social construct of socialism? Strong nationalism and complete and exclusive control of the military, i.e. the DPRK. Incidentally, in 1943(?) during the decline of his power, Mussolini relocated to the northern part of Italy, executed a few of his cohorts, and attempted to start anew founding the Republic of Salo, a socialist collective.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#27)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 12:13:45 PM EST
    And what's wrong with that sentence that led you to "sic" it? Sorry, should have [sic]ed my [sic]. I misread your sentence. Drove what racists where, Fred? Drove the Southern Democratic racists like Strom Thurmond to the Republican Party. That is exactly the point I was making, that the pre-civil rights Democratic Party that dominated the states of the old Confederacy was irredeemably racist and in bed and often even included members of the Klan (yes, even Robert Byrd). After Southerners finally got over the fact that Lincoln was a Republican, they started defecting to the Republican party in drove. If you do not believe that the Republican party is the party of Southern racists then you have your head in the sand. There is no organization on the left in this country that has the membership, organization, visibility,noteriety, or viscious ideology that the most extreme racist organizations do in this country. The most radical groups on the left tend to be the radical environmental groups which direct their violence at non-human targets and are generally one-issue groups. Broad based left-wing political groups are almost non-existent. Where are the communists, socialists, or anarchists in this country? Can you really compare the amount of air-time or print space a Noam Chomsky or Ward Churchill (and the only reason anyone outside of Colorado has even heard of him is because of Fox News) to what Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, and Bill Kristol get?

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#28)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 12:18:27 PM EST
    What exactly are these white supremecists saying in their brochures? Is anyone asking? I don't see anyone asking. Well, for one thing they call non-whites "mud-people" and claim that white europeans are the direct descendents of Adam and Eve and that all other races, including Jews, are not even human.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#29)
    by scarshapedstar on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 02:14:59 PM EST
    Sorry, I've read far too much of David Neiwert's work to believe that these guys are completely divorced from movement conservatism. Mind you, I have absolutely no doubt that none of the Republican commentors here support these creeps. However, I have reason to believe that high-level figures in the conservative movement do support these racist groups, and while denial by Republicans (as well as a great many Democrats) on this point is understandable, it is deeply troubling. I'm talking about serious issues here, not your standard photoshopping of a Klan hood onto Bush's head or something. Doctor Ace seems to think it's the latter. Maybe I've been unclear, though.

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#30)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 02:19:30 PM EST
    Posted by Janice at February 14, 2005 01:51 PM ...Why do we dance around the topic? that is the $64,000 question!!!! maybe: its to avoid the issue as no one has any answers or there are to many answers to one questions.the sterotypical generalizations that always surface in any debate or dialogue concerning race, i.e., the athlete/math analogy in the post, that quite often spirals the discussion to vitriol. "...if i could see through your eyes..." "...walk a mile in another man's shoes..." would help, but...

    Re: White Supremacists Begin Billboard Campaign (none / 0) (#31)
    by scarshapedstar on Mon Feb 14, 2005 at 02:34:06 PM EST
    Also, I'm not real impressed with the "not racism, just a unconvential break with liberal orthodoxy" shtick. Sure, you go to the Olympic track finals, everybody's black. And at swim meets, nobody's black. Does that mean black people can't swim? Hardly; I've heard "theories" about bone density but then I've seen some really, really fast black swimmers. I never understood what the "bone density" thing was supposed to mean anyway; if black people supposedly have such heavy bones that they can't swim well, they probably wouldn't be able to run well either. And having had a black guy as a whitewater canoeing partner, I can pretty safely say that they can, in fact, swim. There is some truth, from my experience, to the stereotype that black people don't like water, but this is obviously an American cultural thing; you won't find too many Caribbean natives who can't swim. Come to think of it, they're all cultural things. There's nothing convincing me that black people are genetically disposed not to like and/or excel at swimming, and I don't see why running, or football, or anything should be much different. And as for math, uh, here at Georgia Tech there are in fact black students, many of whom are better at math than myself, a white person. Yeesh.