
Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues

Probation and Supervised Release are no walk in the park. Ask Tommy Chong:

The Marijuana-Logues" show starring Tommy Chong has gone up in smoke. Chong, best known as half of the comedy team, Cheech & Chong, was set to perform the show at the Royal Oak Music Theatre on March 5. But Chong said Tuesday he has canceled his part of the show.

"I had to pull out," Chong told The Macomb Daily. "I have to wait until July 6 to continue." Chong said as part of probation he is serving on an undisclosed matter, he is not allowed to be near people who smoke marijuana. He said attendees have frequently begun smoking pot during the show.

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  • Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 10:51:19 PM EST
    Sad world, when the government attacks people like him. I remember him from the 1960s he must be 60 years old now.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 11:13:47 PM EST
    seems like they could use the ecstacy forfeiture criminal laws for shutting the theater down and confiscating it on a knew or should have known basis would be a big chill. seems like the war on hippism has been won but it never hurts to drive another nail in the coffin because it was very viral in the 60s and might mutate if not stomped out altogether right now.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 01:27:01 AM EST
    That is just wrong. Can I be his ... stand-in?

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#4)
    by sue on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 04:34:36 AM EST
    I remember hearing on NPR that he was actually taking the rap for his son, who is very skilled at creating artistic pipes, bongs, etc.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 05:23:55 AM EST
    God-damn hippies are ruining a perfectly good show with their need to toke up! Can't they do it outside? At least then he could claim he as unware of their use! But seriously, Tommy is only doing what any smart man would do. He is on probation, and I would rather see him have to cancel these shows then see him go back to jail because someone else was smoking dope.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 05:30:37 AM EST
    Given all the problem that his association with marijuana has caused him, you rally got to wonder why he would be even going near this.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#7)
    by kdog on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 05:59:23 AM EST
    Probably because he is not ashamed of who he is Jim. Tommy will always be associated with the kind. I'm reminded of a famous Keith Richard's quote..."I never had a problem with drugs, only with policeman." Chong Glass did make nice stuff, but nothing compared to the Roar(Sp?) Glass Co. out of Germany. I just purchased one of their water pipes, excellent craftmanship.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 06:24:27 AM EST
    Unfair to punish Chong for the behavior of others.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 06:25:29 AM EST
    "That is just wrong. Can I be his ... stand-in?" Are you as entertaining as he is?

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#10)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 06:26:51 AM EST
    This just sucks...I hope that I can get a refund on the tickets that a bunch of us bought for this show...

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#11)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 06:37:11 AM EST
    kdog - As you well know, I don't care what people smoke, drink, inhale, as long as they don't endanger others, and stay away from my family and me. I also think anyone selling any drug, legal or illegal, should be highly regulated and supervised. I also think drug use is dumb, but that's another issue. And I would agree that our drug use laws need to be rationalized, and perhaps, changed. But, given just the legal problems marijuana can cause, I just don't see why anyone would get near it unless they are addicted. And, yes, I know that, supposedly, marijuana is not addictive. I think it is. I also think, like alcohol and tobacco, some people can use it with no addiction, and some people cannot. And, given the legal problems, why find out where you fit in? To illustrate the above, I worked with a guy who could smoke and drink and never want one the next day. I, on the other hand, never met a tobacco product I didn't like, and when I quit, years and years ago, it was exceedingly difficult.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#12)
    by Repack Rider on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 07:09:35 AM EST
    But, given just the legal problems marijuana can cause, I just don't see why anyone would get near it unless they are addicted. Given the legal problems that alcohol use can cause, I just don't see why anyone would get near it unless they are addicted. I don't care who knows that I smoke weed. I own my company, so I can't get fired. The joke here is that "drug testing" means one of the employees is rolling a blunt. I worked as a roadie for a rock band from the '60s through the '70s (Tommy's daughter Rae Dawn was a fan of the band, and I knew her when she was about 17). Alcohol and cocaine damaged a lot of people I knew, but weed never seemed to ruin anyone's life. I'm old enough now that a few of my contemporaries who smoked tobacco have died of their habit, and half the people who drank had to either give it up or die. Tommy Chong is a rich man from his association with weed, not as a dealer, but as one who exposed the hypocrisy of the alcohol-tobacco-good, weed-bad crowd. I think a lot more of Tommy Chong for his honesty than, say, George W. Bush for his complete incompetence, dishonesty and corruption. Oh, and the war on Iraq. Tommy didn't invade anyone either.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#13)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 07:15:44 AM EST
    kdog, You've elicited a PPJ reply classic enough to be considered formattable. 1. Disclaimer saying he doesn't care what you do:
    As you well know, I don't care what people smoke, drink, inhale, as long as they don't endanger others, and stay away from my family and me
    2. Qualifier where he wishes the government would step in and regulate his desire to not care:
    I also think anyone selling any drug, legal or illegal, should be highly regulated and supervised.
    3. Addendum to qualifier stating that he thinks he is superior to the entire issue:
    I also think drug use is dumb, but that's another issue.
    (actually, Jim, it IS the issue) 4. Jim's opinion on the issue, generally flying in the face of all known research, fact, or anecdote:
    I know that, supposedly, marijuana is not addictive. I think it is. I also think, like alcohol and tobacco, some people can use it with no addiction, and some people cannot.
    5. Jim's rationalizations for his opinion:
    given just the legal problems marijuana can cause, I just don't see why anyone would get near it unless they are addicted
    like alcohol and tobacco, some people can use it with no addiction, and some people cannot. And, given the legal problems, why find out where you fit in?
    6. Inadvertantly revealed self-truth:
    I, on the other hand, never met a tobacco product I didn't like, and when I quit, years and years ago, it was exceedingly difficult.
    A classic case of reaction formation, where Jim projects his fear of losing control onto the rest of us. I will agree with you on one thing, Jim. Some can play and some have to pay. It's not fair. It's equally not fair for the payers to punish the players, as illustrated by the ridiculous position that Tommy Chong has found himself in. Talk with us Jim, not down to us. You might learn something??

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#14)
    by Che's Lounge on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 07:26:17 AM EST
    JM, Kansas' Atty Gen Kline is attempting to open confidential medical records on suspected late term abortions. But it's OK. It's part of a secret criminal investigation. I hear the jackboots comin down the street!

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#15)
    by kdog on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 07:52:51 AM EST
    I also think drug use is dumb, but that's another issue.
    I though you enjoyed the occasional glass of wine, is that dumb? I think going through life with out experiencing as much joy as life has to offer is "dumb", but that's another issue as well. See the Richard's quote again, I feel the same way. I myself have never had a problem with marijuana, only with policeman, lawmakers, and puritan prohibitionists. Marijuana is not the thing causing "trouble", prohibition is.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#17)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 07:59:11 AM EST
    mfox at February 24, 2005 08:15 AM ?is that whats called/known in the blogasphere as a "Frist"?

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#18)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 08:57:50 AM EST
    Thank you mfox. I enjoyed your post.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#19)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 09:06:25 AM EST
    Gee - where'd Jim go??? : ) My first blogging experience has been here at TL - I'm a newbe but lovin it. What's a Frist??

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#20)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 09:14:46 AM EST
    "What's a Frist??" Prominent right wing politician, vivisectionist, and healthcare profiteer, known for pushing to the head of lines . . .

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#21)
    by Jlvngstn on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 11:01:00 AM EST
    Kudos Mfox and Kdog. One can make the argument that drug abuse is dumb but occasional toke dumb? It is against the law but so is speeding and I would proffer that speeding presents more of a danger to our society that weed, yet driving in excess of the speed limit on expressways is almost a given. Drive 55 on the expressway and count how many cars pass you, and how many cars you are keeping up with. Nearly every person I know (save for me grammy) speeds, yet there is no public outrage against those "breaking that law". According to the NHTSA, in 2001 there were 12,850 speeding-related traffic fatalities. How many deaths were attributed to the use of Marijuana?

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#22)
    by kdog on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 11:06:44 AM EST
    No argument here J....the hypocrisy is endless and it stinks to high heaven.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#23)
    by scarshapedstar on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 11:33:14 AM EST
    Gosh, between this and the no-gay-marriage thing, I can sleep safe at night! ...osama who?

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#24)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 01:39:29 PM EST
    Imagine living in 'bama. No dildos OR dope! Yikes!

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#25)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 02:55:13 PM EST
    Imagine living in 'bama. No dildos OR dope! Yikes!
    Don't count on it (theme from Deliverance playing in background)

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#26)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 06:07:48 PM EST
    Repack - I would agree that alcohol and tobacco is bad. But they don't arrest you for bringing home a six pack or a pack of cigs. Which is my sole point. mfox - I hope your knowledge of marijuana and its use is better than your knowledge of journalism's heavy hitters. I repeat. If you use a drug that its very possession will get you arrested, you are dumb. And where did I go? Why off to work on the palatial retirement compound. Where else would I be? BTW - "A classic case of reaction formation, where Jim projects his fear of losing control onto the rest of us." This one I can't let pass. If you don't know that various drugs can cause problems for different people, then you are very young, or very dumb. Or both. Try reading up on addiction, and you may grow to understand the problem. BTW (again) - Frist is the Repub Majority Leader in the Senate. Your abilities are still at zero. JL - The issue isn't speeding. They don't put you in jail for your first speeding offense.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#27)
    by kdog on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 07:15:15 PM EST
    Jim...The law is what's dumb. Alcohol addiction is the nations biggest drug problem. The prohibitionists even suceeded in criminalizing it for for a while before our time. Didn't work out so well I'm told. I've seen what alcoholism does up close, I've also seen cocaine addiction. They both ruin lives. I've never seen marijuana ruin anyones life. Not saying it couldn't, I've just never seen it. I take it you don't know any recreational users. But to the point, I was taught that this country protected the rights and freedoms of the individual.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#28)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 07:31:56 PM EST
    kdog - Re-read my first comment. My comment was, and remains: All else aside, it is dumb to do something that will get you in serious legal and life changing trouble.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#29)
    by Che's Lounge on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 09:10:35 PM EST
    Jim, Maybe so. But I'm not dumb enough to spend my short time on this earth following the rules of idiots while denying myself the simple pleasures that nature has provided. I'll take the risk.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#30)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 05:36:18 AM EST
    Amen, Che!

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#31)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 06:16:28 AM EST
    PPJ : The issue is WHY is cannibas illegal? 12500 people DIED because of speeding, how many died because or related to cannabis use???? Speeding is obviously inherently more dangerous than pot smoking so tell me WHY it is illegal and people are arrested for its use. Comparatively speaking, speeding is a hell of a lot more dangerous to our society than pot so who is "dumb"? There is no compelling reason to keep pot illegal. It is not a health threat, it is not as dangerous as a speeding car, it is not addictive and is a hell of a lot safer than alcohol. How many people drink themselves into a coma each year, and how many people smoke themselves into a coma (with pot)? The point is Jim, pot should be legalized and telling Chong who was NOT arrested and incarcerated for marijuana USE, to not be around people that might smoke pot is ridiculous.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#32)
    by kdog on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 06:16:54 AM EST
    Right on Che. Couldn't have said it better myself. Obviously, the risk is minimal, it ain't easy to criminalize millions of good people and catch them all. If the drug war was effective, then I might be nervous.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#33)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 06:33:53 AM EST
    In case my point was not clear, speeding is illegal and potentially fatal yet on the expressways I am often given the finger when I am driving 55 and am passed by EVERYONE. People break that law because they think it is not a good law. I break the law when I smoke because it is a "dumb" law and a law that exposes me and my fellow citizens to far less danger than speeding.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#34)
    by kdog on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 07:48:03 AM EST
    Bad laws deserve to be ignored.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#16)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 07:50:51 AM EST
    mfox: hear, hear.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#35)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 12:46:00 PM EST
    JL - No. That is your issue, not mine. My remains simple. Why do something that can get you put in jail?

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#36)
    by kdog on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 12:56:45 PM EST
    Why do something that can get you put in jail?
    Because there is no reason for it to be a jailable offense. See Che's comment, I agree. I won't let idiots dictate how I live.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#37)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 01:23:25 PM EST
    what is my issue Jim? That speeders who cause countless deaths are "fined" while pot smokers who cause none are jailed? Again, stupid law and I won't obey it. It is illegal to have oral sex in many states Jim, is it legal in your state and have you ever had it? Why would you risk going to jail for oral sex? Dumb law isn't it?

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#38)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 02:07:26 PM EST
    I think PPJ's point is not that drug laws are good (or, even, not dumb) but that drug laws are enforced and there is a reasonable chance of getting into trouble with the law if you use drugs. So why choose to take the chance of getting in trouble with the law just to get high? Why take the chance that if you get busted, your mom and dad and maybe other family members will worry like crazy about what's going to happen to you? You know, crying, sleepless nights and all that? Will you actions cause them to be shunned or embarassed in their social circles? Criminal defense laywers are not cheap, if busted, do you think you'd regret the thousands of dollars you'd be spending unnessasarily? If you can't afford it, would you be happy with your parents paying your way? Why take the chance that future employment, unforseen political aspirations, or other opportunities could well be negatively affected by your arrest? Do you think jail would be an enjoyable experience? Even if it were only overnight? Probably a hundered more reasons to regret your actions if you were to get busted. Even if you don't get busted, why spend your life looking over your shoulder concerned that the "the man" is right behind you? Why waste so much, hell, any time, defending yourself to others about your freely chosen illegal actions, when it'd be so easy to choose not to break the law? Getting high illegally may give you some joy or numb your pain in the short term, but will it give you true happiness? kdog - any news on your drug test?

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#39)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 02:45:29 PM EST
    I don't think my family would "worry", I don't look over my shoulder, i own my own business, i am financially secure, "jail" is not prison, and the argument stands. I will not obey a law that is ridiculous. It's funny how your argument goes to "risk aversion" as to the efficacy and intelligence of the law. Being that there is no evidence that pot use causes death, crime or serious problems you revert to citing consequences of a law that neither protects or serves the common public. If it is not increasing public safety why have the law? I know the argument jim is making and it is being made to hide from criticizing a stupid law. Pot makes me feel no better than a glass of wine makes some people feel, only I don't drink so I am not afforded the right to catch a buzz? If the law were based on public safety I could see supporting it. However, it is based on "reefer madness" lack of education from a long long time ago. Have you ever had oral sex and is it legal in your state?

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#40)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 02:47:22 PM EST
    Oh yeah, "will it really give you happiness"??? Does watching television give you happiness? Going to a movie? Drinking wine? Eating red meat? No, we do that stuff to pass time or because it tastes good. Happiness comes from satisfaction with ones life, with or without pot.

    It's funny how your argument goes to "risk aversion" as to the efficacy and intelligence of the law. But of course. This is what we are discussing - simply, why do something illegal that might get you in trouble? The efficacy and intelligence of the law is another topic altogether. You apparently feel the risks are worth it. So be it. You answered the question. Have you ever had oral sex and is it legal in your state? I have, and I have no idea. But you're missing the point: if it is illegal in my state it's not being enforced and there is absolutely no chance of me getting busted for it and having to deal with all the resultant problems I outlined earlier. Happiness comes from satisfaction with ones life, with or without pot. Good enough definition for me. I've done a lot of dumb things in my life. Many of those things resulted in real problems for me that i could have easily avoided. They made me unhappy. Being constantly involved in an illegal activity which could very realistically result in a very real problem for me would be very unsatisfying to me. I'd be unhappy. Illegal drug use is not a risk that's worth it to me.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#42)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 04:18:26 PM EST
    ...just so I'm clear on the whole happiness bit of my first post. Does watching television give you happiness? Going to a movie? Drinking wine? Eating red meat? I'm not asking if getting high will make you happy, I'm asking if living a life of doing something illegal with the chance of getting busted will make you happy.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#43)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 04:46:02 PM EST
    JL - You telling us pot smoking is better than oral sex? That I won't believe. Sarcastic - Well said.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#44)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 26, 2005 at 10:48:16 AM EST
    Pot is illegal because 'they' haven't found a viable way to tac it yet.

    Re: Tommy Chong Drops Out of Marijuana-Logues (none / 0) (#45)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 26, 2005 at 10:49:18 AM EST
    Correction: I meant "tax" it yet.