
Person Set for March Texecution May Be Innocent

Is Texas about to execute an innocent man? Pablo Melendez, Jr. is scheduled for execution March 14. Even the victim's mother thinks he is innocent.

Melendez’s case is alarming because he has a strong innocence claim. His case is surrounded by evidence of prosecutorial misconduct, conflicting witnesses, and undeniable facts which point to his innocence. Perhaps most compelling, is the fact that Gracie Jett, mother of victim Michael Sanders, is convinced that Melendez did not murder her son.

Here's why

  • There is no physical evidence tying him to the crime.
  • One victim of the crime described his attacker to police. A composite sketch was drawn of this suspect - a sketch which does not resemble Melendez at all.
  • He was convicted largely on the testimony of gang members and jail house informants.

Click on the link above to add your voice of opposition to the execution.

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    Re: Person Set for March Texecution May Be Innoce (none / 0) (#1)
    by kdog on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 05:57:12 PM EST
    I'd sleep a lil better at night if we changed the requirement to "beyond any doubt" in death penalty cases. Even then though, I'd still be against gov't murder.

    Not me. I'm a death penalty supporter.

    Re: Person Set for March Texecution May Be Innoce (none / 0) (#3)
    by Johnny on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 07:13:00 PM EST
    An eye for an eye leaves the world blind... Or something like that. I am sure the usual cries of "If he ain't guilty of this crime, he is surely guilty of another... Let him fry!" will begin now.

    regardless of being a death penalty supporter or not, how hard would it be to use capital punishment in cases that we know, for a fact, the offender is guilty. we can use it in cases where there is no doubt, no questions. they exist, you know.

    Re: Person Set for March Texecution May Be Innoce (none / 0) (#5)
    by Che's Lounge on Fri Feb 25, 2005 at 07:24:55 AM EST
    Rooster, Are you GOD? You certainly sound like it. I hope for your sake that no one ever finds a "legitimate reason" to end your life.

    What the hell is going on in that state? Sounds like they should cancel all executions and review all death penalty cases, but they appear to like their bread and circuses (or is it tacos and hangin')? Has anyone heard about the Frances Newton case lately?