
Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders

New York Times: White Supremacist's Relatives Are Questioned in Killings

According to a report in Wednesday's Chicago Sun-Times, the authorities are also pursuing telephone calls made to Judge Lefkow's home Sunday night from a correctional facility. Prison and police officials refused to discuss the matter, but one of the judge's daughters confirmed that her mother picked up the phone to find an unknown prisoner on the other end the night before she found her husband, Michael F. Lefkow, and her mother, Donna Humphrey, dead of gunshot wounds in their basement. "Somebody called and you have to accept the charges, and my mom did because, I don't know, she's my mom and she's so trusting," Maria Lefkow, 27, said Wednesday morning.

Chicago Sun Times: Judge fears murders tied to her job. There's now a composite sketch of the second suspect:

< Sketch Released of Man Sought in Judge's Family Killings | House to Force Vote on Gannon Inquiry >
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  • Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Mar 02, 2005 at 11:15:25 PM EST
    Here we go again. I already said it on another thread -- everybody's jumping on the white supremacist bandwagon because it's what everybody wants to hear. But the judge no doubt has presided over a lot of cases that could invite retribution. The DC sniper case should be a warning about jumping the gun. As the media grabs it and starts speculating, the public goes right with it and witnesses start looking for what the media is speculating about. Potentially legitimate witnesses may not come forward because what they think what they saw isn't relevant. Not that I'm anxious to defend someone like Hale. I just get a little nervous when I see the media solve the crime before the real investigators pick up the trail.

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 06:28:34 AM EST
    TrueBlue, We are 100% in agreement on this one.

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 07:36:56 AM EST
    Not that I'm anxious to defend someone like Hale. I just get a little nervous when I see the media solve the crime before the real investigators pick up the trail. (coughcoughScottPetersoncoughcough)

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#4)
    by Jlvngstn on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 09:12:50 AM EST
    I am curious True, who is "everybody"? You were the first to post here. I checked Limbaugh, Hannity Colmes, O'Reilly, Blitzer and Scarborough and none of them were talking about this. However, when the anthrax was mailed a few years ago each were speculating about muslim involvement...... Hale is in prison for (among other things) plotting to murder this judge. It was seem a logical leap to investigate and speculate as to white supremacist involvement, but I do agree with you that the police need to explore every angle as she has been a judge for a very long time and i am relatively certain there were a lot of angry people whose trials did not "go their way"....

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#5)
    by Dadler on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 09:28:27 AM EST
    composite sketches are like anything else: valuable sometimes, worthless sometimes, harmful sometimes, etc. let's remember how accurate the sketch of mcveigh was before he got nabbed. or the night stalker who was murdering folks in my old l.a. county stomping grounds in the mid-80's. as for the white supremiscist suspiscions, in this case, they are more than well founded. that it wouldn't be, barring info we don't possess, the first place the cops look would be quite incompetent on their part.

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#6)
    by Jlvngstn on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 12:52:26 PM EST
    Investigators still don't know who is responsible for the murder of a Chicago judge's husband and mother on Monday, but white supremacist Web sites are applauding the killings. Judge (Joan Humphrey)Lefkow, 61, was once targeted for death by a white supremacist leader, but officials said there was no clear link to the killings. Extremists on the Internet "are expressing satisfaction that they have been killed. Judge Lefkow has been vilified in these circles the past three years," explained Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL monitors a number of extremist sites on the Web and has been keeping close watch on the message traffic since the murders. A posting on an Aryan Nations message board reads: "If you are doing the bidding of the enemy YOU ARE THE ENEMY!" I am still waiting for the detention of whites with bad haircuts living in states that have high levels of separatist beliefs. Why the double standard relative to what can best be described as an act of terror?

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 03:39:32 PM EST
    Thats not what she said.

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 07:34:08 PM EST
    Boq: Thanks for pointing out that I'm not just a right-wing troll out for blood. Nice to find some common ground. Jlvngstn: I'm well aware that I was the first post, thank you. By "everybody", I meant the media and talking head speculators. And for the record, I thought the anthrax speculation was premature as well. As I recall, people around the country were ranting about Muslim terrorists in the immmediate aftermath of the OC bombing, too -- also premature. As far as WS websites praising the killing, that doesn't mean much other than to identify what kind of people they are. I was glad when Ted Bundy was executed, but that doesn't mean I pulled the switch. IMO, people (general term) need to relearn patience, expand their attention spans, and allow stories to unfold, rather than putting everything on fast forward to mine media ratings.

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#9)
    by Richard Aubrey on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 08:01:29 PM EST
    We have a witness? Any idea of who saw the guy(s)? A neighbor?

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#10)
    by Andreas on Fri Mar 04, 2005 at 10:36:51 AM EST
    In addition to the killings carried out by members of the WCOTC, right-wing groups have been involved in numerous attacks over the past several decades. The organizers of the Oklahoma City federal building bombing in 1995, which killed 168 people, were connected to the extreme right. The anthrax attacks of 2001 were likely carried out by individuals with ties to right-wing extremist groups, although no arrests have ever been made in connection with the incidents. Fascistic individuals and groups have also been involved in terrorist attacks on abortion clinics and the assassination of doctors who perform abortions. Despite this record, these groups continue to operate and have never been the subject of a “war on terrorism” from the U.S. government. The Homeland Security Department has never targeted them. The response to the killing of Lefkow’s family has been notably muted, largely disappearing from the national news after only a day. No doubt if the principal suspect had been a Muslim extremist the response would have been very different. Many of these organizations have ties to sections of the Republican Party. The dirty secret of American politics is that a significant section of the Republican Party “base” consists of racists and neo-fascists.
    White supremacist group suspected in killing of Chicago judge’s family By Joseph Kay, 4 March 2005

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#11)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Mar 04, 2005 at 11:10:03 AM EST
    Trueblue, it would be more comprehensive and telling if you would identify the talking heads by name as opposed to generalizations. My monitoring of the Scarborough, Oreilly and Hannity/Colmes did not suggest a bandwagon jump. I wholeheartedly agree with your attention span comment which is why I am in favor of withholding the names of those arrested until convicted. That would go a long way in thwarting the hang em high jump-to-conclusion attitude that seems to be prevalent in our society.......

    Re: Police Probe Judge's Relatives Murders (none / 0) (#12)
    by Mike on Fri Mar 04, 2005 at 06:14:12 PM EST
    Max Blumenthal has the guy, I believe. The composite sketch looks exactly like one of Hales guys in a photo taken in Chicago (at the State building, no less) prior to Hales arrest. Check it out. MaxBlumenthal.blogspot.com