
Pain Doctor Sentenced to 25 Years

Virginia medical doctor William Hurwitz was sentenced to 25 years in a federal prison today for over-prescribing pain medication.

Prosecutors said Hurwitz knowingly turned a blind eye to patients who were obvious drug addicts and drug dealers, and that his waiting room was at times filled with stoned, sleeping patients with track marks on their arms from drug abuse. Patients received prescriptions for as many as 1,600 pills a day. An FBI agent's affidavit indicated that 21 percent of Hurwitz's patients had criminal records.

Hurwitz's supporters packed the courtroom:

About 100 of Hurwitz's supporters packed the federal courtroom in Alexandria, and several testified that Hurwitz saved them from debilitating pain that other doctors were unwilling to treat.

"I was sick as a dog. I was 90 pounds soaking wet, and I wanted to die. If not for that man, I would be dead" said Eyssel Gurganus of Goldsboro, N.C., pointing to Hurwitz. "I had been to 36 doctors, and every doctor is afraid of prosecution."

The Los Angeles Times has some background here.

Since the Hurwitz case began, 30 state attorneys general have assailed the Bush administration's Justice Department for its pain-pill policies, saying in a joint letter in January that state and federal policies were increasingly at odds on how to balance legitimate pain treatment with drug enforcement.

And during the Hurwitz trial, a group of eminent medical authorities, all past presidents of the American Pain Society, lambasted one of the Justice Department's expert witnesses for "misrepresentations" that have damaged the ability of doctors to treat pain without fear of prosecution.

Prosecutors had asked the judge to impose a life sentence.

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