
Cat and Mouse With McClellan

White House Press Secretary played cat and mouse today at the press briefing on Newseek's disclosure that Karl Rove was a source of Matthew Cooper in the Valerie Plame leak. Think Progress has the transcript.

McClellan may be clamming up, but read what former CIA agent Larry Marcinkowski had to say (pdf) about the senior official of the White House who leaked the information:

It's been said in some of the media that the act itself wasn't deliberate. How can anyone pretend that the disclosure of a CIA employee's identity to a reporter could be done by accident?

The fact is that the release of this information by a senior official was deliberate and done for a purpose. It is equally clear that the purpose of the senior official was certainly not to advance the national security interests of the United States. Reasonable minds cannot differ as to the deliberate nature of this action by the senior official.

Anyone who would care to portray this action as mere negligent, as opposed to deliberate, should also be prepared to explain how anyone so completely inept as to divulge the information by accident ever became a senior official in any organization, let alone an organization who has charge of running the United States.

It must be assumed that a senior official would have at least a rudimentary working knowledge of the media, an understanding of what is on or off the record, what information is on background and so forth. The fact that such basic ground rules, if you will, were not used to protect the identity of Ambassador Wilson's wife exceeds any reasonable definition of gross negligence.

Disclosure was not an accident. It was a cynical effort to advance an interest deemed so important by this senior official as to potentially place lives at risk. The interest being advanced by this disclosure was certainly not national security.

Update: Crooks and Liars has a roundup of blog reaction to the McClellan news conference and the video. Wapo has the transcript here.

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    Re: Cat and Mouse With McClellan (none / 0) (#1)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:04 PM EST
    Bush and gang need prison, and as bush/business, said! "prison is a good place with good food." by the way my cat wouldn't do some of the things bush has done, and come on a free "press" for who?

    Re: Cat and Mouse With McClellan (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:04 PM EST
    I hear the food is quite good at Camp Gitmo. Um, that rice pilaf is divine. Hope they serve seconds! The summer season is in full swing and the weather is ripe for nude swims and interrogations. Make your reservations now before Karl Rove and George Bush get first dibs on a cell! Everybody in the pool!

    Re: Cat and Mouse With McClellan (none / 0) (#3)
    by jimcee on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:06 PM EST
    Isn't that guy the fellow that said all those incredibly anti-semetic things at that faux hearing that the Dems held in the basement of the Capitol building a few weeks back? You know the one where Representitives Jerry Nadler and Barney Frank said they left before the remarks were made? The Left is starting to embrace the worst of the world in their common hatred of Bush. Anti-Semites, Fascists, Communists, Anarchists, Islamists....and this is very distirbing. The Left really needs to step back and reform.

    Re: Cat and Mouse With McClellan (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:06 PM EST
    Ever wish you could make Karl Rove rue the day he was bor