
Newt Gingrich: Ohio Election a Wake Up Call to Republicans

Normally, I don't quote Newt Gingrich as an authoriative source. But I'm making an exception this one time, for his comments on the results of the Schmidt-Hackett race in Ohio:

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) warned fellow Republicans yesterday not to ignore the implications of the party's narrow victory in Tuesday's special election in Ohio, saying the public mood heading into next year's midterm elections appears to helping Democrats and hurting Republicans.

"It should serve as a wake-up call to Republicans, and I certainly take it very seriously in analyzing how the public mood evidences itself," Gingrich said. "Who is willing to show up and vote is different than who answers a public opinion poll. Clearly, there's a pretty strong signal for Republicans thinking about 2006 that they need to do some very serious planning and not just assume that everything is going to be automatically okay."

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    Re: Newt Gingrich: Ohio Election a Wake Up Call to (none / 0) (#1)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:54 PM EST
    It is a major wake up call with trumpets blaring, but they will need more than a Prince Charming to rouse them from their deep slumber. America is getting fed up with these self serving arrogant creeps. Just hope we do not have another 9/11 because then the voters lull themselves back to sleep chanting neocon slogans.

    Re: Newt Gingrich: Ohio Election a Wake Up Call to (none / 0) (#2)
    by ras on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:54 PM EST
    Gingrich is a Republican. What else do you expect him to say? Of course he's gonna use it to rally the troops, one way or the other. As for the results: special election with almost 2/3 of the voters staying home, and a D candidate whose ads tried to portray him as pro-Bush ... yup, there's a message in there, alright. But what do I know? All I did was predict the last election correctly. Others had more difficulty. Once is a special case; twice is a trend. Republicans will win the White House in '08. Early Ras line: 53-47. Welcome, Mr. Giuliani.

    Re: Newt Gingrich: Ohio Election a Wake Up Call to (none / 0) (#3)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:54 PM EST
    The DLC distanced themselves from Hackett, although they mention his amazing near win on their website. I do not like the group. They are pro war, Hackett called Bush a Chickenhawk. Billmon amkes a good point about the DLC and winning the next elections: "The irony of this post is that I largely, if dispiritedly, agree with the dinos on short-term strategy. The kind of red meat, rev-up-the-base politics that many liberal bloggers seem to favor almost certainly won't work for the Dems the way they work for Karl Rove. That's not a philosophical statement, just a mathematical one: The conservative base is a whole lot bigger than the liberal one -- almost 2:1 in some surveys. For better or worse (guess which one I choose) this is a center-right country, and also one in which a whole lot of voters are inclined to put their religious prejudices ahead of their social and economic interests."

    Re: Newt Gingrich: Ohio Election a Wake Up Call to (none / 0) (#4)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:01:55 PM EST
    Giuliani, huh, ras? Do you really think "he was there at 9/11!" will work 7 years after the attacks? I mean, after we pull out of Iraq next October people might take off the yellow ribbons and forget about the whole ordeal. At least, that is, until Osama gets his hands on those Canadian nukes that the Republicans are so intent on giving away. Then they'll probably be begging for a veteran of the last spectacular failure...