I agree Michelle Malkin is bigoted and I think she does a great disservice to minorities. But she is talented, as a writer and a television personality, and I don't think she's an "affirmative action hire" by Fox News, for which she serves as a contributor. She has guest-hosted for Sean Hannity of Hannity and Colmes, and given that show's ratings, you can be sure they wouldn't trust the guest-host spot to someone who couldn't pull it off. I saw her one night subbing for him, and she did her job - she was Sean Hannity II. She has a good tv presence, as those things are measured. She's pleasant, she smiles, and she's articulate. Is she wrong on almost everything she says? In my opinion, yes. But, it appears she thinks for herself and a liberal, of all people, should be the first to note that the First Amendment mandates she be entitled to express herself.
The most inexusable part of Mithras' post is the part referring to her anatomy. Have we not progressed past such childish attacks? This is the type of comment I usually associate with those who are both ignorant and fanatical. I get e-mails filled with them all the time from tv viewers who diasagree with my views. Because they are unable to express themselves intelligently, they resort to obscenities, comments about my "ugly" looks or wish me evil. I won't bother to repeat the obscene and physical attacks, but examples of the last type include people who write they wished I was on a plane that went down on September 11 and one who wrote he hopes my child becomes blind.
Personal attacks of the kind Mithras made about Michelle Malkin show his innate prejudices, not her's. A true liberal supports affirmative action - why criticize her for it? A true liberal welcomes women who succeed in their profession. Why does he castigate her for it? Why is her sex even relevant to the discussion? It's one thing to disagree with her views, as I believe everyone should. It's another to attack her for her race or her gender. Mithras was out of line. He may get blog hits for his rant, but he won't get much respect.
Update: Jeff Goldstein at Protein Wisdom has a round-up of blogger reaction. Mithras posts an apology (not.)
[comments hijacked, some have been deleted, thread closed.]