
Judith Miller, Star Chambers and Shield Laws

Gonna stand my ground and I won’t back down ....Tom Petty

Judith Miller is staying put. Five weeks and counting. She misses the Internet. For a different take on her confinement, read this article on the information withheld from her and her lawyers.

Testimonial privileges require a court to weigh the government's evidence as to why they need her testimony. Yet Judith Miller was tried, convicted and sentenced to prison based exclusively upon written evidence from witnesses whose identities and testimony were kept secret from her and her lawyers. They were given no opportunity to defend her against, question, or rebut the secret evidence the courts relied upon exclusively in convicting her. Indeed, a full eight pages of the D.C. Court of Appeals decision discussing and analyzing this secret evidence was redacted from the published opinion.

The ABA report accompanying the resolution it passed last week favoring a journalist shield law contained this important reminder:

In sum, the public expects the media to provide them with important news and information on matters of public concern, including matters related to the justice system and government. If journalists are prevented from getting all aspects of a story because their access to confidential sources is not secure, citizens will not receive the information to which they are entitled, and the public interest will not be served. The public’s ability to stay informed and hold its government accountable, both, in the end, will be diminished.

The ABA resolution did not support a particular piece of legislation. Instead, it set out the principles that should be embodied in the shield law.

RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges the Congress to enact a federal shield law for journalists to protect the public’s need for information and to promote the fair administration of justice, incorporating the following principles:

1) That journalists play an important role in providing information of significance to the public that aids in ensuring an informed democracy;

2) That prior to requiring information from journalists, a party should demonstrate that the information sought is essential to a critical issue in the matter, that all reasonable alterna-tive sources for the information have been exhausted, and that the need for the informa-tion clearly outweighs the public interest in protecting the free flow of information;

3) That a federal shield law should apply to journalists who disseminate information by print, photographic, broadcast, cable, satellite, electronic, mechanical, or any other me-dia, through a newspaper, book, magazine, periodical, radio or television station, pro-gramming service, channel, network, news agency or wire service, or similar services.

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  • Re: Judith Miller, Star Chambers and Shield Laws (none / 0) (#1)
    by aw on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:16 PM EST
    If reporters don't care about us, why should we care what happens to them?

    Re: Judith Miller, Star Chambers and Shield Laws (none / 0) (#2)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:16 PM EST
    I wonder what would happen if they offered her immunity?

    Re: Judith Miller, Star Chambers and Shield Laws (none / 0) (#3)
    by cpinva on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:16 PM EST
    i don't mean to be nit picky here, but what exactly was she "tried, convicted and sentenced" of? as i understand it, there've been no criminal charges levied against her, she was found in contempt of court, for failing to abide by the court's orders to testify. while i certainly understand the umbrage, how's about toning down the hyperbole? she isn't the first, nor will she be the last person so found, human's being what they are. frankly, at this point, it isn't even crystal clear to me that she's a victim, suffering so that we might have a free and open press, that remains to be seen. i have no clue what information she does or doesn't have, i'm just not ready to nominate her for martyr status just yet. i'll wait for the movie.

    Re: Judith Miller, Star Chambers and Shield Laws (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:16 PM EST
    I think the lawyers who drafted these principles need to talk to their attorneys - their point (2) essentially restates the Justice Dept. guidelines that were *already followed* in the Judy Miller case. What they need to add is a point (4), saying that the evidence used to establish point (2) be made available to the public, or at least to the "defendant". Right now, Fitzgerald has managed to convince himself and the judges that her evidence is important and can not be obtained elsewhere. However, a lot of that was redacted. My pet peeve is in the secod paragraph - "People who have visited Miller recently in the Alexandria Detention Center outside Washington, D.C., described her as "resolute" in the decision not to identify her sources." NO, no, no - the subpoena *identifies* her source! (And leaks say it is Libby). This is not Bob Woodward protecting "Deep Throat" - Fitzgerald knows who he wants to talk about with Miller, and Libby (if that is who it is) has already testified and signed a wiver of confidentiality (which Miller argues is ineffective because it was coerced).

    Re: Judith Miller, Star Chambers and Shield Laws (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:16 PM EST
    Tried, convicted and sentenced? Aw, come on! She wasn't tried, she was *held in contempt* something judges and grand juries have always had the power to do and for precisely the reason they were granted that power - to compel testimony from unwilling witnesses. Moreover, Minuteman, you need to rethink your fourth point - grand jury testimony is always secret and it's secret for a good reason. Grand Juries regularly hear testimony that does not meet basic standards of evidence and in order to avoid smearing the reputations of the innocent nothing from a grand jury becomes public except the indictments.

    Re: Judith Miller, Star Chambers and Shield Laws (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:16 PM EST
    Jeralyn, this is the one case out of a thousand we disagree on. You are on the side of the law, and I believe in justice. If the laws are being circumscribed, well, lots of laws were circumscribed when we went to war in Iraq. And more than any other civilian, Judith Miller was a pom pom wielding cheerleader for that war. She can talk, or she can sit in jail. Either suits me fine. She crossed the line from reporter to player, and now she's paying that price.

    Re: Judith Miller, Star Chambers and Shield Laws (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:18 PM EST
    The appearances of the case now are emerging as ever more Byzantine. It is nice she is protecting the integrity of journalism and that her paper stands by her in that regard. Further, though, it begins to seem Judy Miller has a lot to protect; some are suggesting she might be on dual payrolls, i.e., working for another employer in addition to the NYT. As she has been a war reporter, she must appreciate how risky that occupation is. I am glad she is in a location that will provide her a hot shower, and I worry about the gentlemen who let her end up in that bind. With regard to this talkleft site it is mysterious why this dataentry text field is along side a pop song quote, though perhaps an excerpt is germane to this post as well, it's something you did, God knows when, but you are doing it again. [copyright ibid]

    Re: Judith Miller, Star Chambers and Shield Laws (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:18 PM EST
    I appreciate that quotation, because I spend FAR MORE TIME... "Standing on the pavement, thinking about the government" ...than any human being in a functional democracy ever should have to. Stealing our peace is what the Bush reign has been ALL about. That and stealing our rights. And Judas Miller betrayed the country by being the ready channel of KNOWN false information from the likes of Iranian spy/USPNAC co-conspirator Ahmed Chalabi. I hope she thinks of him often. Her rightwing views that brought her to disgrace her paper and betray her country are still there -- so no parole for her until she is FORCED to tell the truth for the first time in her life. That sacrifice for the truth is what she has FORCED down the throats of Cindy Sheehan, and the bubbling cauldron of blood she has helped to spill colors everything she will ever do or think for the rest of her life, were she to have a shred of conscience in that whore's cranium.