
Chertoff Announces Plans to Toughen Deportation System

Bowing to the radical right cries against illegal immigrants, Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff today said the U.S. plans to toughen the deportation system :

"In addition to [cameras and motion detectors] the secretary intends to bolster the deportation process so that an overwhelmed detention system does not cause illegal immigrants to be set free instead of being sent home. He plans to add beds for detainees, expedite deportations by making more judges and lawyers available, and try to track down more illegal immigrants who do not appear for deportation hearings.

in his remarks at Tuesday's breakfast, sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor, he said his staff was mapping every mile of the Mexican border and preparing estimates of how many illegal immigrants use each of the various entry corridors so he could best decide how to deploy 1,000 or so new Border Patrol agents Congress appears likely to provide for the coming year.

The department will also then identify where it should place as many as 2,250 new detention beds that will be financed in next year's budget, a 10 percent increase. It also plans to place immigration judges closer to detention centers and allocate more money for lawyers who argue deportation cases on behalf of the government, increasing capacity in part by simply deporting illegal immigrants faster, a Homeland Security official said after Mr. Chertoff spoke.

What about lawyers for those facing deportation? Sounds like a railroad job to me.

More plans:

....The new campaign also entails an eventual doubling of the number of fugitive search teams to track down those who do not show up for deportation hearings, the official said.

Chertoff also criticized the citizen militias patrolling the borders, calling them amateurs. And, he again called for support for Bush's guest worker program.

The other side:

Some immigration experts questioned Tuesday whether this latest push to stabilize the border would result in much change. For example, these experts said, the Bush administration has not indicated any willingness to crack down on employers who hire illegal immigrants.

"If you have a boat with numerous holes in it, the boat will sink unless you plug all of the holes effectively," said Michael W. Cutler, a former senior immigration enforcement special agent who is now a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington research group. "He is only addressing a few of the holes, meaning he may slow the flow but it will not solve the problem in the long run."

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  • Re: Chertoff Announces Plans to Toughen Deportatio (none / 0) (#1)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:39 PM EST
    It will never stop until the so called USA Is totally hispanic, what new? fact is chertoff and all of the political "people" have allowed the borders to be opened for over 30 years. the system is now starting to understand it will be replaced within 20 years, meaning all hispanic government in all states and someday you will be the alien and have it coming, read Aztlan about what will happen to you. its a no win, no win the only thing you can do is fight or get-out. sad,sad, world. by the way be afraid real afraid of this government of fools.

    "radical right" = that 3/4 of Americans who are opposed to illegal immigration. My response to this plan is DHS offers fake immigration reform in response to fake Dem immigration reform. If you want the truth about this proposal, read that. If you want the truth about illegal immigration, visit The Lonewacko Blog.

    Re: Chertoff Announces Plans to Toughen Deportatio (none / 0) (#3)
    by Wile ECoyote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:39 PM EST
    TL I gotta call you on this. Do you have anything (poll wise) that shows that it is only the "radical right" that wants anything done with illegal immigrants? Heres a poll of californians that show: • 62% say immigration makes education reform more difficult; • 67% oppose driver's licenses for illegal immigrants; • 72% oppose giving reduced tuition for illegal immigrants; • 83% of immigrant citizens say jobs to foreigners only if no Americans available; • 65% of black Americans favor a moratorium on legal immigration. Here is another: New poll finds majority of Americans see illegal immigration as a “serious problem”.

    Re: Chertoff Announces Plans to Toughen Deportatio (none / 0) (#4)
    by Johnny on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:39 PM EST
    The only problem I have with this is that it is simply doing MORE of what has been proven to NOT work...