
N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katrina

It's not just the left criticizing President Bush over his belated response to the Katrina catastrophe, it's also those that used to praise him:

AS THE EXTENT of Hurricane Katrinas devastation became clearer on Tuesday millions without power, tens of thousands homeless, a death toll unknowable because rescue crews cant reach some regions President Bush carried on with his plans to speak in San Diego, as if nothing important had happened the day before. Katrina already is measured as one of the worst storms in American history. And yet, President Bush decided that his plans to commemorate the 60th anniversary of VJ Day with a speech were more pressing than responding to the carnage.

A better leader would have flown straight to the disaster zone and announced the immediate mobilization of every available resource to rescue the stranded, find and bury the dead, and keep the survivors fed, clothed, sheltered and free of disease.

The cool, confident, intuitive leadership Bush exhibited in his first term, particularly in the months immediately following Sept. 11, 2001, has vanished. In its place is a diffident detachment unsuitable for the leader of a nation facing war, natural disaster and economic uncertainty.....

[Via AmericaBlog]

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    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#1)
    by scarshapedstar on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 02:03:44 PM EST
    It's hard work.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#2)
    by DawesFred60 on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 02:28:03 PM EST
    Bush is on Cnn\Fox News, Telling people you must help people and he just got a big oil deal going! and yes he will send help "someday" and isn't great the Louisiana Guard just got back on time? from iraq? remember he was told a week ago about what was going to happen, and like 9-11 do nothing, makes me think about this great guy for many reason. but maybe he can get international aid, from china and iran? "because we our" all one world.

    Hey, maybe he can get the "coalition of the willing" to send some relief here.

    Eventually, he will tour the damaged oil platforms. In a helicopter pilot's uniform. Or is the doll wearing an wildcatter's outfit on that day? Or wearing a sombrero while doing Joan Baez songs on his accordian? Or maybe he will show up dressed as a plumber with a plunger, or as a medical doctor with a fake moustache? The costume he's heading for is Louis XVI. But a lot more Parisians will probably be dead by then.

    I realize that the natural reaction for anyone is to blame people not the weather but really? I mean this is the same crap we heard after the Tsunami. Bush didn't act sad enough soon enough for all the Bush haters. Just say you hate Bush because he's republican, started a war, is rich, stupid etc... the usual stuff and don't pretend you give a damn about how fast he responded to a natural disaster. The same people who make this argument said he was posing for the cameras after 9/11. Let's focus on who needs help. Not waste energy hating on a president you already hate. What about the mayor of New Orleans, or the govenor of Louisiana, Nacy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Michael Jackson? Is the collective greif enough for you guys?

    I don't hate the guy...I feel sorry for him. He is incapable of feeling anything for anyone but himself.

    I just saw a shirtless young white car mechanic say "Bush don't need to be president no more. We're starvin', I just got a bottle of water. We can't get gas. I see a car over there. I'm goin' to get some gas. It's not lootin', it's survivin'."

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#8)
    by desertswine on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 02:50:12 PM EST
    Yeah, I wouldn't want to hurt monkey-boys feelings.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#9)
    by aw on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 02:51:02 PM EST
    Above by me. I just saw him on MSNBC.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#10)
    by squeaky on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 02:51:07 PM EST
    Slade-The question, while we are helping, is how do/did we learn from history? What about Kyoto Treaty? From Billmon
    That's all true -- and it's always worth reminding people of the lunatic fiscal priorities of the Cheney administration and its supporters in the congressional pork chop caucus. But the bigger story behind the drowning of New Orleans is what it reveals about the longer-term consequences of America's lunatic environmental priorities. For nearly 160 years, private industry and governments alike have been chopping and channeling the Mississippi and its tributaries -- turning rivers into drainage ditches, riverbanks into Maginot Line-style fortifications, and wetlands into factory farms. This has created the same self-defeating spiral that doomed New Orleans -- the rivers rise, the riverbanks sink, forcing the levees higher and higher, until some of them are now as tall as four-story buildings. There's no future in this -- and for Southern Lousiana, home to about 40% of the wetlands in the entire continental United States, the future is now. Without the silt and mud that the Mississippi once spread liberally across the entire network of sloughs and bayous that flow to the sea, the Gulf of Mexico is not-so-gradually munching its way north -- even as the federal government spends millions each year to dredge the main shipping channels of sediment....Now, thanks to Katrina, the hidden costs of all those decades of insane policies are being made visible to the entire world.

    Slade, pretty much what people are asking for is, and let me make this as clear as possible, LEADERSHIP on his behalf. Nothing more and nothing less. But instead of mobilizing FEMA with a mandate of evacuating the people still stranded in New Orleans, appealing to all surrounding states to allocate funds and vehicles to help with this evacuation, and otherwise acting like the President of the United during the worst natural disaster in American history. Not parading around pretending he is a country music star, trying to conflate WWII and the debacle in Iraq, and talking about how he needs to get on with his life.

    True dat, nolo.

    Sherman, I couldn't agree more. I finally got word my only relations in harm way are fine, hope it's the same for the rest of you. Providence watch over those in need.

    Republicans are telling me that Bush missed an opportunity to do the right thing and go to the scene of the worst disaster in recent US history, if only for psychological reasons. Bush might have gotten his best speech writers to write him a rousing speech. Those are fair, nonpartisan statements.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#16)
    by DawesFred60 on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 03:48:59 PM EST
    Slade I don't hate bush I hate the government of rats who run it and bush is just one more tool, why didn't bush order the guard in place before this total mass happened? and is it is the weather but how do you blame the weather gods? our state and fed could have done a lot more, but remember the deep cuts? and remember the level of this storm was known by bush he was told all about it one week ago. but maybe he had to get something out of his bunker and was unable? to do anything? about this. like call someone in state government? like the governor didn't know what was coming down? but soon bush will check on the oil business, gas going up to $6.00 per gal., hey what a killing for the big boys.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#17)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 03:58:17 PM EST
    Et al – First of all, the editorial is dumb. There was no “airport” to fly into. Secondly, what the people on the ground, working to rescue, etc. did not need was the distraction of a President flying in to announce “I feel your pain.” What they need, and what they are getting, is emergency response teams that know what they are doing. Sherm – Ask and you shall receive. I saw him on TV and that is exactly what he did. BTW – Did you note he is releasing oil from the reserve? Squeak – Frankly what Billmon writes is just not true.
    This has created the same self-defeating spiral that doomed New Orleans -- the rivers rise, the riverbanks sink, forcing the levees…
    For about the first forty years of the Corp of Engineers channelized rivers, clear cut banks, etc., as a means of increasing water flow, thus improving drainage and reducing floods. Starting in the 70’s this was stopped due to the rather obvious fact the wet lands were going away along with the associated wildlife. As time went by the rivers started to return to a natural state with twists and turns caused by flow blockage, tree and plant growth, and guess what happened? Flooding increased.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#18)
    by roy on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 04:04:05 PM EST
    If Bush had rushed to any affected site he would be accused of grandstanding and distracting people from helping. If he had made a rousing speech about it, he would be accused of using the hurricane as a distraction from Iraq.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#19)
    by Edger on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 04:09:40 PM EST
    If Bush had rushed to any affected site he would be accused of grandstanding
    Of course. How many times can you grandstand before you're accused of it everrywhere you go?

    If he had made a rousing speech about it, he would be accused of using the hurricane as a distraction from Iraq.
    Hurricane as mere distraction? Maybe a category 1 hurricane, but one resulting in the worst natural disaster in recent U.S. history? A great statesman wouldn't dignify such a moronic accusation by responding to it. No, this is a genuine lost opportunity. Save your breath, and admit that Bush blew it. It's too late to project anything like leadership to the American public. The opportunity was wasted.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#21)
    by Patrick on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 04:42:19 PM EST
    While I don't necessarily agree with it, it seems a valid criticism depending on your point of view. Funny it would come from a NH paper.

    And for 40 years the ACE have been formulating a plan and had the money to put it into effect. Bush canceled the money. Even the army corps of engineers said bush's tax cuts and iraq war devastated their plans to save NO. That was written in 2003. Bush has a helicopter, he doesn't need an airport. By presidential order he could have every military chopper (Fort Dix anyone?) and every civilian chopper helping, but no, he chose to play guitar while NO drowned. And yes, bush is releasing oil from the reserves at the request of his friends because they can make record profits. The problem isn't the disruption of oil, the problem (might be) refining it. Are we really so on the edge of peak oil that a minor disruption requires drastic measures, or is that just another way of price gouging americans? bush has had 5 years to protect homeland security, who knew that terrorists, or a natural disaster, could disrupt the basis for our economy so easily. Oh, and BTW, whatever commenter said
    The same people who make this argument said he was posing for the cameras after 9/11
    bush read "My Pet Goat" for 11 minutes after he knew we were under attack. Then he hid in AF1. It was days before he posed atop the rubble of NYC!

    The president has mobilized the larges public relief effort in US history and that won't be enough becasue the only thing the left is worried about after a cataclism of this Nature is bashing Bush. Weak. Send money, water and food like I am if you want to help. Griping about Bush doesn't help anyone.

    Forgot to put my name in the box. It was me.

    All those folks who say how hateful those on the left are? Here is what a major christofascist group has to say:
    Repent America says that God "destroyed" New Orleans because of Southern Decadence, the gay festival that was to have taken place in the city over the Labor Day weekend.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#26)
    by john horse on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 05:28:34 PM EST
    Here in Tallahassee, people are waiting in line to gas up. I've heard that some gas stations have run out of gas. Those that haven't are jacking up their prices. Wondering if anyone else is experience this in your town? Thanks to the example set by our Great Leader, panic has been checked (satire alert).

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#27)
    by Sailor on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 05:36:11 PM EST
    Yeah, I'm still getting used to the new/old system too . Sailor posted the August 31, 2005 06:00 PM and 6:06 comments.
    The president has mobilized the larges public relief effort in US history
    1) that's not true 2) whatever he has done, it was 4 days late.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#28)
    by Aaron on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 05:39:57 PM EST
    Now is not the time for recriminations or second-guessing, now is the time for us all to pull together. There are one million refugees coming out of New Orleans, people are suffering and dying, people who need help desperately. Please I implore you all, whoever you are wherever you're at, do whatever you can to help. We need everyone. ,

    well said Patrick, but I find myself both confused and frustrated. sometimes I think my friends need to pick their battles better. As much as I dislike Bush, I can't place this on him. Today I have heard friends of mine on the left critize everyone and everything from Fox News, to Bush to Bret Farve. some of you are starting to sounds like Republicans bashing Clinton in the 90s. I am sure there are measures that should have been taken, but as total anarchy reins in New Orleans I think we could tone down the rhetoric.

    Three bucks a gallon out here in Arizona. I don't even feel like commenting in it. What else is there to say? God help those folks in the big easy. I've got a two week trial coming up so it'll be a bit before I'm back posting. Have fun arguing - true believers, trolls & all.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#31)
    by DawesFred60 on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 05:57:17 PM EST
    did any of you hear about the prison and the take over? some inmates escape to escape death from flooding. some have hostages in new orleans and check out what is happening in baton rouge, not good not good.

    Bush will barracade the barn now that the cows are all gone. The time for sympathy was when he was gutting the ACE plan to save NO. Bush loves dying innocent people. He loves them TONS. He hasn't been to ONE military funeral, and he won't show the PROOF he had of Hussein's WMD -- because he is a sociopath traitor and a liar. That's not Bush-bashing -- that's his past catching up with him. He's a one-man (ten thousand sycophants like Slade) disaster.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#33)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 06:03:51 PM EST
    GregZ writes:
    some of you are starting to sounds like Republicans bashing Clinton in the 90s.
    Uh-huh. And, as the Repubs discovered, not very effective. The NO situation has resulted in God knows how many dead, lives changed forever, and probably $500 Billion lost. Instead of beating up on each other, it might be more productive for us to start considering that maybe we are building cities and, homes, in the wrong places. Consider this. Probably 99% of every home in NO has been destroyed. Should we rebuild them in an area that must forever depend on hundreds of millions being spent for a drainage system that could fail again?

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#34)
    by glanton on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 06:10:10 PM EST
    "Probably 99% of every home in NO has been destroyed." This is false, Jim. The homes on the West Bank, for example, are pretty much intact, at least according to the refugees I know who have come to Texas. And I doubt the West Bank area is singular. It is a terrible situation, I'm not disputing it. But aren't we going too far with some of these claims about how stupid it is to build there? The logical conclusion to what you and pigwiggle are suggesting, to me at least, seems to be that we avoid the Gulf Coast altogether, and then what about the eastern seaboard, and then huge swaths of California, Alaska, Washington, etc?

    GregZ, this isn't an unexpected occurrence, it has been predicted for 20 years by FEMA and the ACofE, and the plan and budget were in effect to solve it. Then bush cut the funds and has mobilized the La guard in iraq for 4 years. More americans die every day because of bush, whether it is from lead poisoning, global warming, iraq, hurricanes, power plant emissions, Dep U poisoning, no access to health care or just starving to death, it can be directly laid to bush's policies. bush could also fix gas prices in an nat'l emergency so that every american isn't affected by this tragedy, but instead he releases the Petroleum Reserves and cuts emmission standards so his friends can make even more outrageous profits. Every oil company has made record profits under bush, so what does his energy bill do? It gives them tax breaks! He and cheney will profit by all the events I mentioned above and their rich friends will profit even more. At what point is america willing to impeach this guy!? That is not hyperbole, that is the truth. I personally don't think it is wrong to hate people who put profits above American lives.

    well anon heres what I think, its easy to blame Bush for this, alot of whats wrong in this country is the fault of his administration, but I think blaming a natural disaster on the sitting President is wrong, no matter who is in office. The best plan in the world wouldn't have saved some of these people who stayed behind.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#37)
    by jimcee on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 06:30:50 PM EST
    I'm sure the president is already wearing his greaves because it would be a natural defense against the ankle-biters out there. To those that do not like Bush: Stop blaming the guy for not stopping a Cat 5 hurricane by presidential decree. Do not be so shallow that you think if Georgie boy bit his bottom lip until it bled that it would pass for compassion or a 'I feel your pain' moment. If it was Bill Clinton you all would have excepted that as an appropriate gesture but for some reason you belive that Bush can part the Gulf of Mexico to avert a storm! Just...because...you...hate...him... and want... him to FAIL. Pray for those in the Big Easy and drop the political hackery, please. This blog is taking on the trappings of Kos and the DU and that is too bad for the Left (and Talk Left). Politicizing a weather event. How pathetic is that. In an adolescent-like preening way to boot? Sheesh.

    bush could also fix gas prices in an nat'l emergency so that every american isn't affected by this tragedy, but instead he releases the Petroleum Reserves and cuts emmission standards so his friends can make even more outrageous profits.
    The right is proud to enrich the treasuries of Bush&Co, and to die in so doing. They won't hear of fixing the price of gas and oil. Better dead than solvent.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#39)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 06:33:33 PM EST
    GregZ writes: some of you are starting to sounds like Republicans bashing Clinton in the 90s. Uh-huh. And, as the Repubs discovered, not very effective. What part was not effective? Instead of going to fund raisers and war rallies, the president should have been on national television reassuring the nation and outlining the relief efforts. I agree a flyover would be sufficient at this point, but he should be leading us now and he's JAFO.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#40)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 06:36:36 PM EST
    JM, Some tags are not working well on the comments section.

    now thats valid criticism Che perhaps those events should have been cancelled, but didn't he address the nation this afternoon? What further steps should he take? Hes never been much of a speaker. (as my stomach churns, I never thought I would find myself defending this guy).

    Once again we see this straw man arguement. Noone is blaming Bush for the hurricane. His decision to cut funding for flood control and hurricane mitigation projects in New Orleans in order to fund his war in Iraq and his tax cuts for the rich, well, thats another story. A few months ago, Republicans were answering any criticism of Bush with the mantra, "W still the President!" So let me remind folks: As you wait in line to buy gas for $3 a gallon. "W still the President!" As the mess in Iraq drags on with no end in sight. "W still the President!" As Bush cuts flood control projects in New Orleans so he can fund his war. "W still the President!" As Bush squanders Clinton's surplus and turns it into a record deficit. "W still the President!"

    Just like his response to the War in Iraq - inappropriate and incompetent... I certainly hope Rudy Guiliani is offering up his expertise

    bush Bashing Bull.He is the poorest excuse for a president this country has ever had. He cut funding for the levee repairs. He was lax on enviormental policies that cause changes in weather. He is a liar, a cheat a mean spirited tyrant. So why should I respect this Great Pretender. I just can't beleive anyone could be so blinded to go to bat for this monster. Hey you guys that thinks he is so darn great. Go fight his stupid war for him. Then The Coast Gaud can come home to do the job they were intended to do. Delta for peace

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#45)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 06:57:07 PM EST
    Dearest No Name - The war in Iraq is only slightly over two years old, and I have no idea when the LA NG was mobilized, but I suspect it was post 4/03 and it was never 100% mobilized. What that has to do with anything is beyond me. Would you have had them on the coast, all blowing out in attempt to divert the storm? I can see it now... 1, 2, 3 Exhale. 1, 2, 3, Inhale.. The Left's inability to understand how we budget is staggering. Let me explain. The President sends a budget to Congress who then proceeds to change/raise/lower. He may dicker with them, or he may veto the final bill. But he can't put the money where he wants it without having Congress agree. Now, given that the flood control was of interest to LA, and since it was so obviously recognized by all concern that it must be done, perhaps you can show me some real effort by the LA congressional delegation to get the money. And I mean effort, not a couple of shots and go home type of thing. (Sarcasm alert!) BTW – And then we have the interesting point that Bush’s '06 budget had more money in it for LA flood control than Congress wanted to give them. Perhaps Senator Landrieu should learn how to work the process rather than just watching old pork barrel himself, Demo Senator Byrd, take all the bread home to West Virginny….

    Sorry all, the post from August 31, 2005 07:15 PM was mine. - Sailor GregZ, I don't blame the hurricane on bush, I blame the lack of being prepared when FEMA had the funds to mitigate it and having them cut by bush on bush. Response time to 9/11 ... 3 days. Response time to Katrina ... 4 days. Response time to Schiavo senate bill ... 17 hours. bush was on vacation each time. Ooooh, 'he's never been much of a speaker', well golly, he has no problem ordering our troops into an illegal war, he has no problem saying 'dead or alive' about OBL and then not finding him, he has no problem trashing a grieving mom, he has no problem using his Katrina press conference to hawk iraq and WW2. Obviously bush has no problem, but America does.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#47)
    by jimcee on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 07:16:04 PM EST
    Um levees are not built overnight. Especially really big ones because they require a lot of planning. In my area there was twenty years of federal planning to build a 4 mile road and when they completed that road last month it led to nowhere (except confusion) because of demogrphic and industrial shifts. Using that model if someone twenty years ago proposed re-enforcing levees and they weren't done by now would that be a surprize? There is enough federal blame to go around but presidents unlike federal employees have term limits. The later play CYA while political operatives demonize thier opponents. If you want to blame Bush for the resultant damage to the Gulf Coast be my guest. If you want to sound rational then please refer to anytown's planning commission. Gosh it feels as if this thread is occupied by commnity college drop-outs or something.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#48)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 07:42:05 PM EST
    Delta – That is just pure BS.
    The House of Representatives wants to cut the New Orleans district budget 21 percent to $272.4 million in 2006, down from $343.5 million in 2005. The House figure is about $20 million lower than the president's suggested $290.7 million budget.
    And what may we ask did Senator Landrieu have to say?
    Landrieu said the Bush administration is not making Corps of Engineers funding a priority.
    Really? Well, the Bush administration wanted about 25% more than what Congress wanted. Now. What did the good Senator say about this group that was on the same side she claims to be?
    Landrieu said the Bush administration is not making Corps of Engineers funding a priority.
    Not to smart, eh? I mean, pis* off the very people who are on your side? But I guess it felt so good, made the base happy and required absolutely no effort and zero intelligence. Sometimes the voters get what they deserve. Link But then we get to where you really are.
    Go fight his stupid war for him. Then The Coast Gaud can come home to do the job they were intended to do.
    So it us about the war, nothing else. BTW – Last time I checked the CG was busy rescuing people. BTW – I don’t think the Coast Guard is in the ME.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#49)
    by Aaron on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 07:46:21 PM EST
    I just heard complaints coming from the mayor of Jefferson parish saying that they don't have any armed National Guard, to suppress the massive looting, apparently because they're all in Iraq. Years ago people were asking why are they sending all the National Guard troops to Iraq instead of our regular army. We have many non-National Guard troops here on US soil which cannot be used in this capacity, what a blunder.

    Sorry to dissapoint jimcee. I'm a moderate republican. A 76 year old F college grad. I don't bother to read news papers they are a waste of my time.What time I have is spent reading what intellects have to say on the web. The country has been warned about the results of climate change. Therefore when Bush cut the funds from the budget for his choice of demolishing another country, then yes I hold him responsible for neglect of preventing it. I also hold him responsible for ignoring warning of the 9/11 attack. If he would just have warned the Airlines then perhaps they would have detected the weapons. He is very reckless about his duties as Commander in Greif. Delta for Peace

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#51)
    by john horse on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 08:05:41 PM EST
    And then we have the interesting point that Bush’s '06 budget had more money in it for LA flood control than Congress wanted to give them.
    Lets review the facts. The budget for flood control in New Orleans was $343.5 million in 2005. Bush proposed to cut it to $290.7 million for 2006. Your Republican controlled Congress proposed to cut it to $272.4 million for 2006. Since Bush's proposed cuts were less than Congress's proposed cuts, by your reasoning Bush was giving more money to flood control in New Orleans. I suppose by this reasoning, if someone cut your salary less than was originally proposed, they are actually giving you a raise.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#52)
    by Aaron on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 08:12:53 PM EST
    The day after the hurricane hit, George W. Bush was keeping his regular itinerary, uninterrupted by this disaster. Now he's on TV giving speeches about the recovery. Apparently Dubya hasn't noticed that this disaster is still ongoing. Could this guy be any more out of touch? Perhaps if the hurricane hit Texas he would have interrupted his schedule. I'm not surprised by the 48-hour delay, we all know from his past history that he's not exactly quick on his feet.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#53)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 08:19:55 PM EST
    Delta - You are no more a moderate Repub than you are the man in the Moon. You are also woefully uninformed. First, the boxcutters used by the hijackers were perfectly legal. Now, if the screeners had said that the box cutter plus other things caused them problems, they could have stopped them. You might want to see what this Clinton apointee says about profiling...It is a no-no! (And durn Bush's hide for not firing him.) As for warnings.
    At the special meeting on July 5 (2001) were the FBI, Secret Service, FAA, Customs, Coast Guard, and Immigration. We told them that we thought a spectacular al Qaeda terrorist attack was coming in the near future." That had been had been George Tenet's language. "We asked that they take special measures to increase security and surveillance. Thus, the White House did ensure that domestic law enforcement including the FAA knew that the CSG believed that a major al Qaeda attack was coming, and it could be in the U.S., and did ask that special measures be taken."
    Really Delta, you should get out more often.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#54)
    by Aaron on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 08:37:33 PM EST
    If we could stay as to the topic children. I heard the mayor of Jefferson Parish mention the fact that they didn't have any armed National Guard troops available to them, only engineers. Apparently this is the case because they're all serving in Iraq . Years ago when they started sending all the national guardsmen to Iraq instead of using the regular army, many were complaining, mentioning the consequences if there were a major national disaster. We currently have a large number of troops quartered within the United States which now cannot be used to quell civil unrest since they are prevented by posse comitatus act. No doubt will see a call in the next few days by the neocon's and the right wingers to set aside posse comitatus and send in these troops. This disaster couldn't have worked out better for them if it'd been choreographed.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#55)
    by jimcee on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 08:42:41 PM EST
    I am tired and this debate has become tedious so perhaps everyone can toss a few bucks towards Gulf Coast relief. The insta-pundit professor has many links which are open for relief donations. It is OK to open your mouth but it would be more helpful to open your purse. Prayers for those affected.

    What is being reported in Canada is that the Bush administration in the last few years has made drastic cuts to slated spending on projects to upgrade levees, etc. The priority and weight has instead been placed by Bush on the war in Iraq...the american war machine now a front-runner over the need and development of social and maintenance infrastructure within the US. The National Guard, needed so greatly now, lost to Iraq as well. Sadly, the lives of American citizens put at risk and yes, submerged, both literally and metaphorically through your administration's policy of war.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#57)
    by Aaron on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 09:00:21 PM EST
    Amazing, now George W. Bush wants to enlist the help of Bill Clinton and his father in founding an international relief effort to help the people of the Gulf Coast. Apparently in George Bush's America we can't take care of our own.

    Uh, speaking as a Louisianian, it's not so much what Bush didn't do after the storm as what he did / didn't do before it hit. Like cutting the funds for the levees despite our protests? Huh. Or not mobilizing anyone in advance?

    Funny how we're not hearing anyone on the news point out any of the demographics of the flooded areas. Anyone familiar with New Orleans can tell you that the photos coming from the AP/Reuters depict the ghettos nearest downtown. Nobody is taking much time to point out that the percentage of those who didn't evacuate likely didn't have any better alternative than to carry a blanket and some water to spend 2-3 days camped out in a hard plastic sports arena chair designed to be comfortably occupied for 2 hours at most. No one is asking why so many people in NOLA were housed together in old decrepit structures within inner city drug infested war zones -- unemployed, under-educated, and unable to afford a car or credit card so that they could have evacuated to safety along with the rest of "acceptable society". Naturally, what we ARE hearing about - repeatedly - is the terrible impact the looting is having on area businesses. As if the destitute walking around waist deep in contaminated sewage water should pass up the locked Walgreen's with the clean drinking water inside because the store is presently closed. Seems to me that the impact looting will have on local businesses (who has better insurance - on average - corporations or individuals?) can't be much more important for us to dwell on than, say, a retrospective into Republican slashing of funds for projects that could have improved the response to the natural disaster. Oh..and of course the increased frequency, length, and strength factor of our tropical storm seasons do not merit any serious consideration -- especially since it might not fit the politik du jour and stir up embarassing analysis of air pollution/climate change. El Nino, the Ozone Hole, fractured ice caps, increased tropical storm activity -- obviously all isolated incidents. Just as with any other disaster, those who will suffer the greatest are the poorest among us. That goes both for the residents of NOLA as well as the rest of us coughing up the profits to satisfy the Energy industry's 20 year plan. Its not just their revenues that have been climbing...their margins have too. What do I want Bush to do? Nothing. I want him to back to fly back to his ranch and clear brush -- because anything he and his cronies decide to do will undoubtedly have the effect of further oppressing the powerless in favor of the powerful. The "Dry Streets Act" will unquestionably result in lower taxes for the rich, rollbacks of our civil liberties, and an increased danger of flooding for the poor.

    The size of this thread tells you all you need to know about RIGHTWING PANIC about Vacation Boy's negligent dictatorship. It's going to be pretty hard to find a way to blame Dems for this clusterf*k, but they are working at it. They control the entire Federal gov't, and have carried out a policy of torching all forms of social aid. And now they pretend that they weren't in charge. Bush is always available to help, after his policies have caused the problem, and his negligence, but after his bike ride. Or his nap. Or his photo-op. Though the rightwing Xtians think it's the gays who did it, plenty of Moslems will be talking of this disaster as DIVINE PUNISHMENT for the genocide of Iraq. THIS IS JUST THE FIRST OF A DECADE-WORTH OF HUGE HURRICANES. What was needed was not done; what is needed will not be done, because Bush doesn't spend money where it is needed. He just looks for his pals' pockets, and leaves it at that.

    It is OK to open your mouth but it would be more helpful to open your purse.
    Wow jimcee, thanks for your permission to speak. The purse should have been opened up by Bush and and his congress critters to save that city instead of trying to save the world from Saddam. If only Halliburton was in charge of building levees, New Orleans would be dry as a bone today.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#63)
    by Aaron on Wed Aug 31, 2005 at 11:47:27 PM EST
    jimcee I know you're getting desperate to defend your president at this point, but I've got to correct you on your badly flawed comparison with hurricane Andrew. I lived through hurricane Andrew, and I was in the worst hit areas of southern Dade County 12 hours after landfall down in Florida city which was wiped clean, and around Turkey Point nuclear power plant where I pulled a shark out of somebody's pool a half mile inland. Things were really bad that's for sure, but within 48 hours the National Guard and FEMA had complete control of the situation. The damage in Dade County was comparable to the damage on the Gulf Coast but with one important difference. You need to multiply that damage 25 fold, and there was nothing even approaching what's happening in New Orleans and Louisiana, which has become a hell on earth. This is a disaster of national proportions, Andrew was confined to two counties of one state in one area, and the worst of that damage was in the southern part of Dade County. This disaster has affected dozens of counties. You'd better wake from your rationalizations my friend or your going to have a rude awakening. Overnight the United States has found itself in serious serious trouble, it's too bad we don't have a serious president who has the capabilities to deal with this. When this is over Bush will be lucky if the people of this country don't drag him out and Lynch him.

    Insightful piece, Tampa Student. It is amazing that some are intent on looking at this catastrophe in isolation. There are a lot of factors besides Mother Nature at play here, a lot of consequences from previous actions either taken... or not taken. To not sustain social systems, to not maintain infrastructure, to ignore global warming, all come with a price which is eventually paid...by someone...somewhere... There is a linkage, an interdependence here, as there is in Nature itself, that cannot be overlooked. Tampa Student expresses the sad injustice of it all in that it is often the poor and the powerless who end up paying for the arrogant actions of the greedy and the ruthless. And Paul's words bear repeating: "What was needed was not done; what is needed will not be done, because Bush doesn't spend money where it is needed. He just looks for his pals' pockets, and leaves it at that."

    Well said Tampa Student. People died simply because they were poor. And that should never happen in this country. B

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#66)
    by Edger on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 06:22:23 AM EST
    Tampa Student:
    of course the increased frequency, length, and strength factor of our tropical storm seasons do not merit any serious consideration -- especially since it might not fit the politik du jour and stir up embarassing analysis of air pollution/climate change. El Nino, the Ozone Hole, fractured ice caps, increased tropical storm activity -- obviously all isolated incidents.
    Any serious consideration and any analysis of a connection between pollution and climate change, would necessitate an uncomfortably painful admission of responsibility for the fact that our twisted, sick economic and political systems and the short term benefits and creature comforts they are providing, are the root cause and it can't be OUR fault, now can it? No, of course not... must be the gays, the muslims, the people who "hate freedom" (as if anyone, anywhere would...) or anyone but us... We are a dying society in constant denial of reality... and even when our most educated and clear minded members, our university students, remind us of it, we wont take the responsibility... no, we'll encourage them to learn and question, but we won't listen to them when they ask the hard questions. We'll just accuse them of being naive, shake our heads, and keep on walking towards the cliff.. Don't give up, Tampa Student. Please...

    Naturally, what we ARE hearing about - repeatedly - is the terrible impact the looting is having on area businesses. I'm not so sure about this tampa. This does indeed as you said hurt the poorest people the most, but I think your making some generalizations. Most of the reports I've heard said that police were letting people take food, water, and necessities. I also heard armed gangs are roaming the streets, robbing people left in their homes at gun point, one suggested this has happened at several nursing homes.

    What I notice is that the media is at least implicitly driving home the point that property has more value than human life.:
    The number of officers called off the search-and-rescue mission amounts to virtually the entire police force in New Orleans.
    Oh and the usual job they do of keeping up the double standard between the negroes and the "normal people".

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#69)
    by Edger on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 07:12:49 AM EST
    Good point Ernesto:
    Oh and the usual job they do of keeping up the double standard between the negroes and the "normal people".
    Didn't I read in other threads something about racism and slavery being eliminated in this country by past wars??? Huh? Did I miss something? Keep on shining that light, Ernesto!

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#70)
    by Aaron on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 07:15:35 AM EST
    This is really getting ridiculous, there's thousands and thousands of people in and around the New Orleans convention Center. There's no police, no National Guard, no one's come to help them leave the area, no one's brought them any food or water. People are dying! What the hell is going on! How can there be no National Guard in these areas? Where are they? Where is the help these people are supposed to be getting? Is this for real?

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#71)
    by Edger on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 07:26:05 AM EST
    What the hell is going on! [...] Is this for real?
    Sadly, it is real, Aaron... And we all feel just as torn, frustrated and powerless as you do... Don't give up, Tampa Student. Please...

    Clueless George and Karl Do Badly In All Things Gulf The impact race and income on the victim status in this disaster should put to rest any discussion about the South and its on going separate but equal faux policy. Bush is just being a Republican clueless white guy "why this is America and we will be back bigger and better..." You can hear the wheels turning.."oh a few thousand people will die while I get home from Crawford and figure out the Haliburton contract ..mostly well you know...People will thank me in the long run for not rushing into a solutio -isn't that the complaint about Iraq...I should have waited..."

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#73)
    by Edger on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 07:38:00 AM EST
    Don't give up, Tampa Student. Please... . . . . some of us listen... maybe, hopefully, even enough of us... I wonder...

    TS, "Naturally, what we ARE hearing about - repeatedly - is the terrible impact the looting is having on area businesses. As if the destitute walking around waist deep in contaminated sewage water should pass up the locked Walgreen's with the clean drinking water inside because the store is presently closed." Funny, the news I've been watching have been full of talking heads saying that they can understand folks taking food and water, but not stereos and TVs. Can't say that I disagree. Another report I saw last night discussed the looting of people's private homes, and how food and water seemed to be the last thing the looters wanted.

    Sound familiar: "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." Our King needs to get some new lines. Imagine if this were a dirty bomb, imagine if this took place in Texas. link via atrios

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#77)
    by desertswine on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 10:04:01 AM EST
    Yes, it reminds me of this:
    "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile - a hijacked airplane as a missile."

    If it was Bill Clinton you all would have excepted that as an appropriate gesture but for some reason you belive that Bush can part the Gulf of Mexico to avert a storm! Just...because...you...hate...him... and want... him to FAIL. Jimcee--If Clinton was running the show, those levees--which, rain or shine, the city depended on--would have been tended to, instead of left to chance. And FEMA would still be an organization of professionals instead of a patronage park for Bush's pals--which means they'd have had some evacuation plan besides: "Everybody gets into a car and drives away." As far as "Bush-hating" goes, as a criterion for political evaluations: (a) This "Bush-hating" crapola invariably comes from people who make every last one of their political decisions by supporting whatever position they figure will disgust the Left more. So you're not really in a position to complain about political arguments based on hatred and abitrariness until y'all clean up your own act. (b) Bush, according to his supporters, isn't responsible for the economy. Or 9/11. Or not knowing that Saddam didn't have WMDs (and it takes real stupidity to believe that anymore). Or gas prices. Or unemployment. Or Chalabi being an agent for Iran. Or the fact that after two and a half years, our soldiers still don't have decent armor. Or they can't drive to the Baghdad airport without taking their lives in their hands. Or that it turns out what they've been fighting all this time is to strip Iraqi women of any rights they may have. Or that Bush had no plans for the reconstruction beyond civilians tossing flowers and candy. To hear you tell it, that boy has just had the worst luck. Why, shucks, coulda happened to anyone. But for some mysterious reason, it always happens to Bush. (c) "Bush hating" is an attempt to muddy what's the cart and what's the horse here. I love my country and I hate what harms it. Too bad the president comes under the latter heading, but if the Right cared about this country instead of whatever you figure would bug the other half of it (see (a) above), Bush wouldn't be president. And the rest of us wouldn't be looking at a national debt that won't even be paid off in my grandchildren's time. American natural resources that belong to all of us, sold off and the proceeds slipped into Bush contributors' wallets. Our military hollowed out. Major infrastructures--including the levees--left to decay. My tax dollars--and those of Muslims, Hindis, Catholics, Jews, and adherants of virtually every other faith except ones that support Bush--given to religions that encourage the eradication of our religions. Services cut and their funding diverted to Bush's contributers' pork projects at every opportunity. Yeah, I hate Bush--unlike some of the others here, I don't make any bones about it. If you loved your country, you'd hate Bush too.

    Just as in the invasion of Iraq it was the Oil Ministry protected and safeguarded, given priority by the US military...on the Gulf Coast of America it will be the same interests, protected first, by the Bush administration. "Their" interests once again prioritized above human lives. After all, they have a war to run... and fund...oil to protect... and this is reeealllly interrupting their plan to invade Iran next. Give Bush some time...first things first...he's probably still "deeply" immersed in My Pet Goat... Vol. Two.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#80)
    by kdog on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 10:36:28 AM EST
    The "Dry Streets Act" will unquestionably result in lower taxes for the rich, rollbacks of our civil liberties, and an increased danger of flooding for the poor.
    One of the best comments I've read here in awhile. Nail on the head Tampa, nail on the head.

    Pat Robertson is the happiest man in America right now.

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#84)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 02:00:07 PM EST
    DA - You do love to quote yourself, I must say. Are you telling us you wanted Churchill fired? Now, back to our regularly scheduled rants. Molly - Nice opinion posing as fact. Try your call at a later time. BTW – Why didn’t Clinton do something? After all, the problem was well known and he had the surplus. Et al - I'm gonna keep reminding you folks that the President provides a budget and then the Congress approves/changes/lowers/raises. Try reading the Constitution. And where was Teddy? After all, he knows all about bridges and people drowning.

    The department of Homeland security was to have contingency plans in case of disaster. FEMA ran drills on this very scenario in New Orleans One year ago, and yet people are dying 3 days after this from dehydration and insulin shock. Bush went to speak in San Diego, and did not return from vacation until two days afterwards. The response is a national disgrace!

    I been a Bush supporter from the beginning and this event has turned my stomach so sour agaist him. I never thought in my life I would disrespect the president. But if he was standing in front of me I could not but help puck all over him. Shame shame shame. Totally unexceptible not to tour the disaster. The blood of those who died lie on his hands. God forgive Bush. Is there any place one can right to get our voice of disgust out to him?

    hi guys! i feel so sorry and sad ... how come your president is always horse riding in Texas when his (?) nation needs him ? how come your president can appear on Tv after the storm, be arrogant enough to refuse international aid when people are dying ? I dont understand... Everybody knew the Hurricane was going to be terrible and hit your country (not like the Tsunami in Asia); why didn't the governement prepare well in advance the helicopters, planes,or any other means and REACT on the spot to rescue the people ?? A president MUST anticipate, MUST protect his country and people- otherwise, he is reckless and cannot call himself President of the US anymore- What a shame

    Re: N.H. Editorial Blasts Bush's Response to Katri (none / 0) (#90)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:05 PM EST
    The Guard was in Homestead and Florida City in less time than it took W to go back to Washington. Please compare the response in Andrew.......Please!

    Didn't know that W was afraid of horses- a pity-- although he looks like a Cow Boy