
Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deaths

The Los Angeles Times reports:

A 2-year-old girl slept in a pool of urine. Crack vials littered a restroom. Blood stained the walls next to vending machines smashed by teenagers.

"We pee on the floor. We are like animals," said Taffany Smith, 25, as she cradled her 3-week-old son, Terry. In her right hand she carried a half-full bottle of formula provided by rescuers. Baby supplies are running low; one mother said she was given two diapers and told to scrape them off when they got dirty and use them again.

At least two people, including a child, have been raped. At least three people have died, including one man who jumped 50 feet to his death, saying he had nothing left to live for.

There is no sanitation. The stench is overwhelming. The city's water supply, which had held up since Sunday, gave out early Wednesday, and toilets in the Superdome became inoperable and began to overflow.

"There is feces on the walls," said Bryan Hebert, 43, who arrived at the Superdome on Monday. "There is feces all over the place."

[hat tip HuffPo.]

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  • Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#1)
    by pigwiggle on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 02:20:32 PM EST
    CNN is reporting that a national guardsman was shot in the superdome last night.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#2)
    by Edger on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 02:27:04 PM EST
    The scale, horror and sadness of this tragedy far exceeds anything we in the west have seen in a very long time, if ever... It is too real... too terrible to contemplate... To quote or paraphrase (I can't recall which, at this moment) George W. Bush: "This changes everything..." I suspect so... I suspect so...

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#3)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 02:39:20 PM EST
    edger - I hope it convinces the public that when things such as this happens, people who break the law should be dealt with very quickly and very harshly.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#4)
    by MikeDitto on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 02:40:34 PM EST
    And if you just watched the news conference with the FEMA director, you'd think you were hearing from Baghdad Bob. None of the things we are seeing on TV are happening. They are inventions of the media. Everything is wonderful. Nobody has gone without food or water at the Superdome. No request has gone unfulfilled. Anybody who says otherwise is lying or exaggerating. That was the repeated theme of the news conference.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#5)
    by Edger on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 02:49:43 PM EST
    I understand your feelings, Jim... I hope it brings with it the realization that we're all riding in the same boat... and that everything we say and do is in a sense like dropping a stone in a pond: the effects radiate in all directions, and diminish with time and distance, but radiate forever...

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#6)
    by DawesFred60 on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 02:58:27 PM EST
    its more like 30 raped and 50 killed, but good news the head of FEMA Just told the thousands of people to just walk out, and he will help?..he hopes! new orleans the great hope. are the FEMA Guys looking for scapegoats yet? ask china to help, after-all that is where all the jobs are.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#7)
    by scarshapedstar on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 03:11:23 PM EST
    Jim, there's enough people dying, for f*ck's sake. How about we concentrate on saving the good ones first.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#8)
    by Edger on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 03:19:37 PM EST
    Easy... easy... scarshapedstar... I expect that Jim is concerned about the good people the idiots there are hurting...

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#9)
    by desertswine on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 03:20:45 PM EST
    The good news is, that these people, who have lost everything, will still have to pay off their credit card debt even after filing for bankruptcy; that is, when the courts can manage to open. Think they can even open by Oct? Just pile it on, monkey-boy.

    It's nice to see the peace-lovin' left spending their time making jokes about Bush, blaming Bush, and just generally obsessing about Bush instead of actually doing something effective: - try to stop the looting (instead of excusing it) - try to get food, water, and supplies to the affected area Simple really, but too much for the left.

    It's nice to see the peace-lovin' left spending their time making jokes about Bush, blaming Bush, and just generally obsessing about Bush instead of actually doing something effective:
    And your contribution so far is .... ?

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#12)
    by scarshapedstar on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 03:52:18 PM EST
    Lonewacko, may I direct you to this image. I'm sorry, what were you saying?

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#13)
    by scarshapedstar on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 04:02:35 PM EST
    Although, to be fair, rnc.org now features an entirely different picture of Bush. You know, the guy that only the "left" is obsessed with. Anyway. Lonewacko, I'd love to go back to my hometown and help, but I lack transportation and they aren't letting people without medical credentials into the area. There's not much I can do from Atlanta but give money, and if you're saying the "left" is slacking in that regard, well, I can't really reason with such a black-is-white up-is-down mentality. So, please, explain to us what we should be doing. I'd love to tell DHS to send fifty helicopters full of food and water to the Convention Center followed by a thousand buses to get everyone out, because at this hour it seems they haven't the slightest clue what to do despite the support of the entire nation. If you can help me do that, let me know.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#14)
    by squeaky on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 04:29:10 PM EST
    Lwacko-The left is raising $1 mil. for NO emergency relief. The bushbashers seem to be non partisan on his lack of leadership during this disaster. if you think that the left cannot do two things at once, guess again. $$$$$

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#15)
    by nolo on Thu Sep 01, 2005 at 04:29:47 PM EST
    Lake George sounds about frickin' right.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#16)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:00 PM EST
    people who break the law should be dealt with very quickly and very harshly.
    I'd steal to get food, water and medicine for my family.

    Dear Sailor, They are not just stealing food and water. Watched the news? Even the cops are stealing from Walmart......You don't need tvs and such to survive, you need food and water and clothng and blankets.

    Even the cops are stealing from Walmart......You don't need tvs and such to survive, you need food and water and clothng and blankets.
    So which is worse? Stealing a TV? Or dropping the effort to rescue people to prevent the TVs from being stolen?

    Scar: If you amble over to the local red cross, you can get some training in manning the phones. About half of my squadron has attended training they held today in order to be on scene. to directly help the survivors. They will be sent down for about three weeks. (the other half will relieve them). They are also looking for people to man phones. I'm guessing you being a doer instead of a talker would like to help out.

    By reading all your little words i see a real police state being formed. The right will make big money and the left will help. didn't bush say he made a new deal?

    Wile E., Look bub, you really need to lay off that kind of crap. Scar and just about everyone of the horrible "liberals" on this site are doing absolutely everything within our means to help our fellow citizens. And if that means just giving money, and that is doing something and not just talking about it, then so be it. Because what really matters is all of us pulling together to help the folks of New Orleans. Why don't you go over to the Free Republic and just try to get those racist turds to help out? Oh yeah, because they are advocating letting the citizens of New Orleans DIE rather than help them. So don't get all high and mighty here, mack! We are trying to help, and that certainly can't be said for your "conservative" brethren!

    Where do you think the money to pay for your freaking training comes from Wile E.? From Dumbya and the rest of the "compassionate conservatives" in this country? NO! It comes from people like the ones commenting on this site and others, you jerk. Don't try to minimize just how important it is for funds to be given to the Red Cross and other organizations that are stepping in to fill the void that FEMA and our government seem very reluctant to fill.

    Dude, I was giving suggestions. No need to get defensive, I was not even talking to you. Funds are most definately needed. I meant no sarcasm. Who are you anyway? I tell you what, I will not suggest you go down to the red cross, you just give.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#24)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:02 PM EST
    scar writes
    Jim, there's enough people dying, for f*ck's sake. How about we concentrate on saving the good ones first.
    Scar, these are people shooting at the rescue teams for God’s sake. Try; just try, perhaps for the first time in your life to visit reality. Why do you think rescue workers will go into a situation in which people are shooting at them? Gesh. desertswine – Can you explain to me why having something bad happen to you should allow you to not pay your debts? Did anyone hold a gun on these people to use the cards? Sailor – As you well know, the comment was about people shooting at the rescue teams. But hey, a nice out of context try. ShernBuck writes:
    Because what really matters is all of us pulling together to help the folks of New Orleans.
    There is a saying in Las Vegas, “Money talks and BS walks.” And man you are walking right along.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#25)
    by aw on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:02 PM EST
    There is a saying in Las Vegas, “Money talks and BS walks.” And man you are walking right along.
    And you are a walking racist cliche, PPJ.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#26)
    by aw on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:02 PM EST
    And if you just watched the news conference with the FEMA director, you'd think you were hearing from Baghdad Bob.
    I saw that and could not believe how brazenly he was lying. With the split screens it was obvious to anyone who is not blind (except the willfully so) that he was lying. No verbal rebuttal was needed.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#27)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:02 PM EST
    Wow, Wile, I am so shamed. Clearly, between full-time engineering courses and keeping my parents (who, being in St. Tammany Parish, will be without power for a month) sane I should have plenty of time to walk across Atlanta a couple times a day for the next few months. Damn me.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#28)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:02 PM EST
    Oh, wait, I volunteered my apartment for the Tulane kids stranded here, didn't I. I would say that this makes me a conservative, but come to think of it, it was downright socialist!

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#29)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:02 PM EST
    aw - No, you are thinking of Squeaky. But btw - Why should someone who is merely asking for law and order and protection of innocent people be a racist? Are you for protecting killers and criminals? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#30)
    by glanton on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:02 PM EST
    Shooting at the rescue teams is freakin' ridiculous. I'm a huge civil liberties guy, I think these people need to be dealt with. Those clauses go together. Too much partisanship, way too much, with this hurricane. Let's just get these people out of there: that's going to mean dealing with the violent and unruly.

    OK, this is ridiculous. IF there were police on the street to be "arresting looters" then we WOULDN'T HAVE the current security situation. IF there were security for rescue people "being shot at" then we wouldn't have the rescue delays. The problem is NOT the "lack of a hard line" with "looters" - the problem is no police presense and communication and organization. This is not that difficult. But I suppose it does seem easier to have in your minds that if only we had opened fire on the eveil black people, then things wouldn't be so bad. This is common sense. Try to focus on reality.

    While obviously the lack of a police presence is a major part of it, there's also the almost unworthy-of-note idea that - and I even hesitate to mention this unimportant detail - the looters themselves might be to blame for the looting. I know! It's just a minor detail. Since the looters have probably looted radios and batteries, perhaps the radio stations should broadcast pleas from civic leaders asking them not to shoot at hospital evacuees. Someone else suggested a leaflet drop. The problem there is that it appears that many of the street signs are down or underwater. Yes, of course, both the feds and the locals should have and continue to need to do a better job, but those there who are exacerbating the problems shouldn't be forgotten either.

    This issue is a non-starter since, at the current rate, the looters will all be dead of cholera before any relief supplies get in there anyway.

    Re: Inside the Superdome: Child Raped, Three Deat (none / 0) (#34)
    by pigwiggle on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:04 PM EST
    “I would say that this makes me a conservative, but come to think of it, it was downright socialist!”
    I would say it made you compassionate and generous. But, if the government had forced you I would agree; definitely socialist.

    Typical wingnut response from BMB. "The looters are to blame for looting." Wow. You have really contributed a lot to the discussion. What is next - "cars can't run without gas"?

    Why are you squabbling over anything at this point,just come and help us down here.

    A coworker of mine is leaving tomorrow. I am waiting for permission from my boss and for the paperwork to clear.

    People were shooting into the air to get rescuers' attention, not to shoot them down, according to some eyewitnesses: I find one the saddest story (from BBC news) to be of a man who a national guardman shot dead as the man frantically approached a military vehicle to ask for help in stoppong a rape. L

    Here is the url of the story about shooting to get rescuers' attention: People were shooting into the air to get rescuers' attention, not to shoot them down, according to some eyewitnesses: http://www.wafb.com/Global/SearchResults.asp?qu=charmaine+neville&search=Search L