A senior administration official said that Bush has clear legal authority to federalize National Guard units to quell civil disturbances under the Insurrection Act and will continue to try to unify the chains of command that are split among the president, the Louisiana governor and the New Orleans mayor.
Louisiana did not reach out to a multi-state mutual aid compact for assistance until Wednesday, three state and federal officials said. As of Saturday, Blanco still had not declared a state of emergency, the senior Bush official said.
Blanco made two moves Saturday that protected her independence from the federal government: She created a philanthropic fund for the state's victims and hired James Lee Witt, Federal Emergency Management Agency director in the Clinton administration, to advise her on the relief effort.
Democratic Daily reports that Kathleen Blanco requested emergency aid from Bush on Sunday, August 26. Her letter is here (pdf.) DD writes:
According to the WaPo, “As of Saturday, Blanco still had not declared a state of emergency, the senior Bush official said.” That’s rather curious because the letter from Governor Blanco to President Bush clearly states that she declared a State of Emergency on August 26, 2005. ...And a quick visit to Gov.Louisiana.gov would have turned up the link to this: STATE OF EMERGENCY - HURRICANE KATRINA (pdf) - August 26, 2005. The State of Emergency Order clearly states that “The state of emergency extends from Friday, August 26, 2005, through Sunday, September 25, 2005, unless terminated sooner.”
AFP reports it this way:
Complaints about President George W. Bush's reaction to Hurricane Katrina echo past criticisms over crises like the Asian tsunami or the Iraq war. Doubters are asking whether he reacted too slowly to the catastrophe, sent enough troops to keep order, or relied too much on rosy scenarios spun by senior aides while New Orleans descended into anarchy.
Some lawmakers and local emergency officials have called Washington's initial reaction "a national disgrace" and assailed the Bush administration as having a too-little, too-late response.
Democratic Daily gives "one more hat-tip tonight to AFP for this story: Louisiana Senator raps Bush over Katrina effort."
Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu branded President George W. Bush’s visit to a busted levee in New Orleans a mere photo-op, and slammed his government’s response to the hurricane tragedy.