
Brown Padded His Resume? Ethics Violation for a Failed Lawyer? Who Vets These Guys?

by Last Night in Little Rock

It is reported on at least three websites, Time magazine, New Republic, and The News Blog that Federal Emergency Mismanagement Agency Director Micheal Brown padded his resume.

All went to Brown's FEMA bio and "deconstructed" it, finding that every important part was overstated. Even his Findlaw summary about his teaching experience and being "Outstanding Political Science Professor, Central State University" is an overstatement. From Time:

Under the "honors and awards" section of his profile at FindLaw.com — which is information on the legal website provided by lawyers or their offices—he lists "Outstanding Political Science Professor, Central State University". However, Brown "wasn't a professor here, he was only a student here," says Charles Johnson, News Bureau Director in the University Relations office at the University of Central Oklahoma (formerly named Central State University). "He may have been an adjunct instructor," says Johnson, but that title is very different from that of "professor." Carl Reherman, a former political science professor at the University through the '70s and '80s, says that Brown "was not on the faculty." As for the honor of "Outstanding Political Science Professor," Johnson says, "I spoke with the department chair yesterday and he's not aware of it." Johnson could not confirm that Brown made the Dean's list or was an "Outstanding Political Science Senior," as is stated on his online profile.

My question is this: Does his padded resume violate Rule 8.4c if the Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct? ("engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation"). Former Attorney General Richard Kleindeinst's false statements at his confirmation hearing got him disciplined as a lawyer. D.C. Bar v. Kleindeinst, 345 A.2d 146 (D.C. App. 1975). And President Clinton had his law license suspended for five years for a false statement in his personal capacity.

Apparently nobody in the Administration vets the appointments. After all, no Republican appointee would lie, right? What the bloggers need to do is hit all the resumes posted