
An Exceptional Katrina - New Orleans Photolog

This photolog of 197 photos from August 28 until September 6, all with diary type descriptions, is one of the best I've seen. Judging from the comments, many others feel the same way.

It's published in Der Spiegel, and composed by a man named Alvaro who worked at the Chateau Sonesta hotel. The photos give a better sense of the evolution of the damage and of what the streets really looked like before and after the flooding than most MSM photos. There's no dead bodies, close-ups of victims or politics - it's really about New Orleans. The personalized descriptions of the photos and their chronological order really made me feel like I was there. I highly recommend it.

Update: Digby also has high praise and thoughts on this photoblog, and puts some of the photos in context.

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    My favorite caption on photo 112:
    "The copulation of the devastation of a local landmark and the remarkable sunset created a direct contrast of how things really were."
    Yeah, I'd say we've al