
NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA Guns

by Last Night in Little Rock

As previously reported here, the NRA was slow to speak out about confiscation of guns in NOLA. They did today:

National Rifle Association leader Wayne LaPierre slammed New Orleans authorities Monday for seizing legal firearms from lawful residents. "What we’ve seen in Louisiana--the breakdown of law and order in the aftermath of disaster--is exactly the kind of situation where the Second Amendment was intended to allow citizens to protect themselves, " LaPierre said.

"When law enforcement isn’t available, Americans turn to the one right that protects all the others--the right to keep and bear arms," LaPierre said. "This attempt to repeal the Second Amendment should be condemned."

Usually, the NRA is right on this kind of thing. It took them as long to swing into action as the Bush Administration.

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    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#1)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    It took them as long to swing into action as the Bush Administration.
    Yeah, and looking at the skin color of the gun owners in question, I have a theory as to why this is...

    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    I wonder how much they are willing to spend on relief efforts. We know that they spend tons on money on rich white people, the question is how much will they spend on relief efforts.
    "We’re exploring every legal option available to protect the rights of lawful people in New Orleans," Cox said, "and we’re taking steps to overturn such laws in every state where they exist."

    Good for the NRA. They are right. Citizens have a right to bear arms. I'm a strong believer in the Second Amendment. It's only one away from the Fourth.

    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#4)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    But do you ever think that poor disenfranchised black people will have the same rights to use guns as the base support of the NRA. Of course that is where the NRA steps away. What do you think the NRA would have done if NO was a rich large white suburb where most people had guns and there was shooting and looting? They are clearly using this as PR..... and qualifying it for wingnuts taking delight in the tragedy.
    "and we’re taking steps to overturn such laws in every state where they exist."

    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#5)
    by Dadler on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    A well-regulated militia has the right to bear arms in this country, the definition of which has come to mean anyone and everyone for whatever reason they choose. We are a nation armed to the teeth, that pays in bloodshed far exceeding whatever "protection" we perceive this multitude of private firepower may give us. Believing in a right to bear arms is one thing, but saying it has any logical or historical or even linguistic basis in what is actually WRITTEN in the second amendment is just buffalo chips. After all, the third amendment talks about the issue of housing troops in private homes. That is more related to the meaning of the second amendment than the unfettered access to firearms we have in this nutty nation right now. It's a legal right, not one enumerated in the constitution in any way resembling the "right" we have now. White, black, yellow, green...the glorified position guns hold in our society is wretched. We've let it get out of hand. Period. Guns are out of hand in this country. That's nothing to be proud of.

    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#6)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    Usually, the NRA is right on this kind of thing.
    When? I'm not blanket defending the NRA -- I wish they'd spoken up sooner and much louder -- but what are we comparing to? People are interpreting the slow response as racist, so when has the NRA responded to a completely unexpected issue any more quickly?

    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#7)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    Roy-When have we had an unexpected issue like this?

    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#8)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    Ah, so they're racist because they responsed to the unexpected slower than expected? (Full disclosure: I still can't find a single non-white NRA member or fan)

    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#9)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    roy-You asked the trick question first.

    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#10)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    Dadler, I echoed basically the same thing on an earlier thread. What militia? NOLA after the storm is kind of an america with guns redux. It will only empower more people to purchase some "home protection" in case of an attack (overblown fear), or a natural disaster leading to chaos (one so far in 200+ years). But folks needed guns in NOLA, not because of looting, but because they were left to fend for themselves. The looting was a result of the lack of protective intervention on a large scale. That one or two cops couldn't stop it is insignificant.

    Re: NRA Finally Speaks Up on Confiscation of NOLA (none / 0) (#11)
    by bad Jim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    This seems to be the night for gun-toting liberals to declare themselves. Over at Steve Gilliard, in a thread discussing pit bulls, one of the most thoughtful commenters I've encountered described himself as a gun owner and a Second Amendment activist. The first I thought unremarkable, but the second was a surprise; I didn't recall having seen any gun advocacy issuing from that pseudonym. Guns just aren't that big an issue on liberal weblogs. I've got guns, but I've also got a nice selection of wrenches, hammers, saws, machetes, and flags.

    Full disclosure: I still can't find a single non-white NRA member or fan You have now.

    (Full disclosure: I still can't find a single non-white NRA member or fan)
    Well, you can't have looked too hard then since there are at least two black men on the NRA Board of Directors that I can think of just off the top of my head, Karl Malone and Roy Innis. You would think an organization formed by Union generals after the Civil War and whose most recent past President marched with Dr. Martin Luther King during the 60s wouldn't have to continually answer implications that they are nothing more than a bunch of racists.

    Another liberal gun owner and 2nd amendment activist checking in here. Note: one of the first local gun control measures in the U.S. was in