
Karl Rove Will Testify Friday Morning

Murray Waas has the latest on Karl Rove's next grand jury appearance - it's tomorrow morning. As I speculated here, he will:

  • Try to explain his previous mistatements or as Murray puts it, why his statements have evolved and changed over time
  • Try to explain the discrepancies between his and Matthew Cooper's version of the their conversations

And Murray adds a third one:

He will also be questioned regarding contacts with other senior administration officials, such as then-deputy National Security advisor Stephen J. Hadley and I. Lewis Libby, the chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney in the critical week before the publication of columnist Robert Novak's column on July 14, 2003, which outed Plame as a covert CIA operative.

David Corn weighs in here.

Update: There seems to be conflicting media reports on whether Fitzgerald or Rove initiated the request for Rove to testify. The New York Times reports Rove was "summoned" back to the Grand Jury by Fitzgerald. The AP reports Rove's offer was accepted. WAPO reports Rove offered to testify again in July after Matthew Cooper testified, and he never heard back from Fitzgerald until this week.

It seems to me Fitzgerald accepted Rove's offer, rather than he summoned Rove.

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