
High Court Rules Inmate Must Be Afforded Abortion

TChris wrote last week about the case of a Missouri inmate who had been denied her right to an abortion while incarcerated until a federal court ruled in her behalf. Days later, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, acting alone, issued a stay of the order.

Today, the Supreme Court, without comment, lifted the stay. The state had relied on a a law that banned taxpayer funds from being used obtain an abortion.

Chief Justice Roberts participated in the decision. Scotus Blog reports:

This was the first abortion controversy at the Supreme Court in which Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., participated. Although there were no recorded dissents from the order denying the stay request of Missouri officials, that did not necessarily mean that all nine Justices had voted in favor of the order. The actual vote was not disclosed. Had Roberts not participated, that would have been noted, under the Court's usual practice.

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  • Justice Thomas should be required to provide 10% of the child's upkeep, for life, if he wants the child so much. The mother is being denied her rights. Thomas apparently thinks that's his job.