
Report: Fitz Talked to Wilsons' Neighbors Today

The Los Angeles Times reports that Fitzgerald's team went out to interview neighbors of Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame Wilson today to ascertain whether they knew she worked for the CIA.

CNN had more tonight (available on Lexis.com):

A neighbor of Valerie Plame has been interviewed by FBI agents for the second time. The agents asked Marc Lefkowitz on Monday night whether he knew about Plame's work at the CIA before her identity was leaked in a July 2003 column. Lefkowitz told agents he did not, according to his wife, Elise Lefkowitz. ...Lefkowitz said this is the second time FBI agents have asked whether the couple was aware of Plame's CIA work. She said the first interview took place several months ago.

FBI agents are looking into who leaked Plame's name to the press. Federal law makes it a crime to deliberately reveal the identity of a CIA operative, and special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is heading a probe into the matter. (Posted 6:01 p.m.)

In an January 18 editorial in the Washington Post, Christopher Wolf, Ms. Plame's lawyer and a neighbor of the Wilsons, said even he didn't know she worked for the CIA before Novak's column.

The LA Times article also reports that Fitz was focused on Karl Rove today.

A deputy prosecutor called Rove's colleague this afternoon and interviewed him in depth about statements Rove may have made to reporters about the case, a lawyer familiar with the case said. "It appeared to me the prosecutor was trying to button up any holes that were remaining," the lawyer said.

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