
Rove Salutes Media Today

Will he do it again tomorrow? CNN reports Fitzgerald is focused on perjury.

I think:

  • the charges were submitted to the grand jury yesterday but no vote was taken.
  • Final plea negotiations will take place today.
  • The grand jury will do its final vote tomorrow. Those that didn't accept Fitzgerald's offer may face additional counts.
  • An announcement will be made tomorrow as to both indictments and plea agreements
  • This grand jury will be released.
  • A different grand jury may be assigned in the future to investigate related issues that go beyond the leak of Valerie Plame's identity and the coverup.

If Karl Rove turns down a deal, I suspect it's because Fitzgerald wasn't willing to agree to a reduction to probation or home detention. I think Karl Rove would bet the farm before agreeing to a jail sentence.

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    Re: Rove Salutes Media Today (none / 0) (#1)
    by desertswine on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:27 PM EST
    I think: it's time for a little border incident with Syria (well publicized of course).