
RoveGate: Fleitz and Wurmser

As I reported earlier, UPI reporter Richard Sale blogs that Rove has turned down a plea deal and the source the leak of Valerie Plame's identity to Lewis Libby was not Dick Cheney. Sale says it was a call from Bolton's office at the State Department - probably David Wurmser or Fred Fleitz. Flietz is on leave from the State Department.

For more information on Fleitz, check out these posts by:

Here's a copy of Fleitz's testimony at the John Bolton nomination hearing (pdf).

As to David Wurmser, I recap his potential involvement here.

Also see:

< Noe Indicted | Report: Libby Seeking New Lawyer >
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  • Re: RoveGate: Fleitz and Wurmser (none / 0) (#1)
    by Patrick on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:28 PM EST
    Drudge is reporting a NYT article claiming Rove will not be indicted Friday but will remain under investigation. Libby will be indicted.