
Report: Rove May Be Looking at False Statement Charge

Raw Story reports that Patrick Fitzgerald is considering whether to bring a false statements charge againt Karl Rove for lying to investigators in pre-grand jury interviews and a perjury charge for lying to the grand jury.

Rove did not tell FBI investigators in 2003 that he had spoken with Novak prior to his column being published and had been one of the two “senior administration officials” cited in Novak’s column as having confirmed Plame’s identity and CIA employment.

....Meanwhile, Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin, is laboring to convince Fitzgerald that any information related to Plame’s outing that Rove may have not been forthcoming about was the result of an innocent bout of forgetfulness on the part of his client. Luskin has spoken to Fitzgerald at least once over the phone about Rove’s legal position since Libby’s indictment, the attorneys said.

Raw Story's report supports my most recent speculation that a single false statements charge under 18 USC 1001 for lying to investigators would be the easier for Fitzgerald to prove than a perjury charge of lying to the grand jury. It would result in Rove's immediate resignation. It could also lead to a jail stint, unless Fitzgerald agreed to move for a departure due to his cooperation against others.

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