
Casting Karl Rove as the Comeback Kid

The New York Times reports that White House staffers think Karl Rove is not going to be indicted because he's back to his normal self, down to the spring in his step.

Rove gave his lecture at the Federalist society tonight. Not surpisingly, his theme was the need to stop what he called "judicial imperialism."

Among the decisions he criticized: a Supreme Court ruling that forbade the death penalty for murderers under 18, saying it "ignored the fact that at the time, the peoples' representatives in 20 states had permitted the death penalty for killers under 18."

In a week in which we have seen the Bush Administration pressure Congress to (1) exempt the CIA from an anti-torture amendment, (2) overrule a Supreme Court decision allowing those declared enemy combatents solely on the word of the Executive branch to challenge their detention in court; and (3) increase the power of the FBI to spy on Americans and others without judicial oversight or accountability to Congress, this hardly seems like a recipe for success.

Bush's poll ratings continue to plummet. He's now down to a 36% approval rating, according to a Fox News poll out today. Cheney is a caricature -- he will go down in history as Chicken Little, yelling "The WMDS are coming."

Rove and the White House still don't get it. There is a serious disconnect between this Administration and the American people. They promised to display character and leadership and delivered incompetence, ethical lapses of judgment and criminal conduct.

Now we learn Bush is about to take to the road and attack his critics on the issue of weapons of mass destruction as a means of restoring his credibility.

What a collossal waste of time.

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