
Questions for Bob Woodward

Arianna has 15 questions for Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward regarding his revelation that a Bush Administration official told him in June, 2003 that Joseph Wilson's wife worked for the CIA. Three that are also big questions in my mind:

  • Why were you afraid of being subpoenaed in 2003? Subpoenas of reporters didn't begin until 2004.
  • On October 27, you were on Larry King saying you had no big scoop. Was that true or a lie?
  • Had your source testified previously to Fitzgerald or before the grand jury?

I'll add a few:

  • How do you define "senior administration official?"
  • Are you making your notes or tape recordings of your 2003 conversation available to Lewis Libby's lawyers?
  • Did you provide details of your conversation with your undisclosed source to Libby's lawyers before you were contacted or deposed by Fitzgerald?
  • Have you agreed to be debriefed by Lewis Libby's lawyers about your deposition and conversations with Fitzgerald?

  • Have you published information in the past from this source using his correct name?
  • Has your source received immunity from prosecution or a plea bargain offer from Fitzgerald?
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  • Re: Questions for Bob Woodward (none / 0) (#1)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:14 PM EST
    Immunity gladdens the heart.
    Has your source received immunity from prosecution or a plea bargain offer from Fitzgerald?
    Is this the engine behind Woodward and perhaps Miller sudden change of heart.

    Re: Questions for Bob Woodward (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:06:14 PM EST
    Besides Arianna's 15 questions, perhaps people should be asking what other things Woodward has been told by the Bush Administration about the CIA leak case. He's been saying things that go beyond mere gossip. It frankly sounds like he has had anonymous follow-up conversations. Woodward has gotten so used to the red carpet treatment one wonders if he's stilll capable of knowing when he's being spun.