
NJ to Suspend Executions

by TChris

The State of New Jersey is poised to impose a moratorium on the death penalty.

New Jersey would block executions while a panel examined death penalty-related issues and for two months after the panel issued its report. The process would take about a year.

The state senate passed a bill to suspend executions pending the study, and the state assembly is likely to pass it on Monday. The acting governor, Richard Codey, said he’ll sign the law.

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  • Re: NJ to Suspend Executions (none / 0) (#1)
    by Johnny on Sat Jan 07, 2006 at 11:19:44 AM EST
    As state after state falls into the throes of civilization, we will see crime skyrocket in this nation. Next thing you know, gay couples will be holding hands in public while urinating on burning flags and smoking blunts! The end is near! Seriously, one more state that realizes the futility in murdering criminals. A good sign.