
FBI Sued Over Cozy Relationship With Hit Man

by TChris

Nicholas Grancio was a person of interest both to the FBI and to the Colombo crime family, which wanted Grancio dead. A lawsuit filed by Grancio's wife alleges that an FBI surveillance team and a team of hit men were both following Grancio in 1992. Colombo crime family member Gregory Scarpa Sr., an FBI informant, spotted the surveillance. The suit alleges that Scarpa called FBI agent R. Lindley DeVecchio and persuaded DeVecchio to call off the surveillance of Grancio. DeVecchio obliged, the suit says, clearing the way for the hit men to take out Grancio. Grancio was shot to death in his car minutes later.

The case "is about the corrupt and unlawful relationship between law enforcement and a ruthless killer and career criminal that went unchecked for years and led to the cold-blooded murder of a man," court documents say.

More about DeVecchio’s cozy relationship with Scarpa:

In 1995, federal prosecutors revealed that they suspected DeVecchio provided Scarpa the names of other gangsters cooperating with the FBI. He was also suspected of tipping off the mobster that the Drug Enforcement Administration was planning to arrest his son, and that authorities had bugged his social club.

But the Justice Department declined to prosecute DeVecchio after an internal probe, and the agent retired in 1996 with a clean record, said his attorney, Douglas Grover.

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  • Re: FBI Sued Over Cozy Relationship With Hit Man (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 07, 2006 at 10:43:24 AM EST
    Jeez. Well, its well-known that Scarpa is a scumbag, but just one thats been very useful for the FBI. It was he who last year informed on Terry Nichols, leading the FBI to an explosives cache at Nichols' old house. In 1996, he also informed on World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef, with varying success depending on who you are asking. Given such success, I've often wondered why Scarpa was being held to this day at ADMAX prison in Florence, Colorado, where only the worst convicted criminals, gang members, and terrorists foreign and domestic are held. I guess this is partly why.