
Report: Fitz Investigating White House Iraq Group and Niger Docs in PlameGate

Reporter Jason Leopold has new details of the current focus of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation into PlameGate, many of which were provided to him by those with personal knowledge of the investigation and who have appeared before the grand jury. He writes that the Niger documents are an issue, as are the activities of the White House Iraq Group and Karl Rove. In other words, a conspiracy investigation is very much underway.

Rove first:

All of the sources interviewed separately for this story said they were told that Karl Rove was the person who first suggested using the media to "turn the tables on Wilson." The officials wouldn't identify the person who told them this. The decision, however, was made during a meeting that took place between the White House Iraq Group.

...Lawyers close to the leak case said Fitzgerald seems to be pursuing conspiracy charges against some of the higher-profile suspects in the leak, such as Rove.

As I have opined countless times on TalkLeft, all roads lead back to the White House Iraq Group.

On to the Niger docs, from Jason:

The State Department officials said they were asked by Fitzgerald how important they thought the Niger uranium claims were in making a case for war. He also asked them why they doubted the authenticity of the Niger documents, why the reports appeared to be dubious, if they knew how Wilson was picked to investigate it, whether they heard about his verbal report upon his return, how and why the INR memo was prepared, and whether it was done in response to Wilson's claims about the Niger intelligence or so officials could find out how Wilson was chosen for the trip, and why any reference to his wife was made in the memo.

The one downer in Jason's article:

There is no indication that Fitzgerald is investigating Cheney.

Maybe that will change after Libby's case is over and he has no more 5th Amendment privilege. Hopefully, media appeals over Libby's lawyers' intended supboenas won't result in delaying that date past the expiration of the statute of limitations for Cheney.

Update: The AP reports Libby's lawyers filed sealed documents today announcing they want classified information brought before the jury, which could delay proceedings even longer. [Via Raw Story.]

In the filings made under seal in federal court, lawyers for I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby put the judge and prosecutors on notice that they want a jury to hear evidence the government now says is classified.

Their action puts the Libby case on a dual track -- one public, the other secret -- that often can delay criminal cases from going to trial.

[Graphic created exlcusively for TalkLeft by CL.]

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  • Re: Report: Fitz Investigating White House Iraq Gr (none / 0) (#1)
    by Edger on Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 03:11:08 PM EST
    pursuing conspiracy charges against some of the higher-profile suspects in the leak, such as Rove. Cool. (great graphic too!) Will read Leopold's article when I get home from work.

    Re: Report: Fitz Investigating White House Iraq Gr (none / 0) (#2)
    by RevDeb on Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 03:33:35 PM EST
    Wouldn't it be a Merry Fitzmas if Karl got nabbed on or around the SOTU?

    Re: Report: Fitz Investigating White House Iraq Gr (none / 0) (#3)
    by squeaky on Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 03:57:52 PM EST
    A bit of hopeful news. These guys are plain evil. Wonder what is in store for Cheney.

    The graphics keep getting better and better. But I thought that Rove's lawyer had only recently been saying that Rove was in the clear, or am I wrong?

    Re: Report: Fitz Investigating White House Iraq Gr (none / 0) (#5)
    by squeaky on Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 04:07:25 PM EST
    tomlincoln-'gold bars' Luskin has a no interest or need to do anything but protect his client. Even though TL may take issue with calling him a liar, I believe he is. Certainly, at the very least, he is not to be trusted with keeping us informed as to Rove's status.

    Re: Report: Fitz Investigating White House Iraq Gr (none / 0) (#6)
    by Fr33d0m on Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 06:43:16 PM EST
    Continues to look positive. One slightly off-topic question though; what happened to the Anthrax investigation?

    Re: Report: Fitz Investigating White House Iraq Gr (none / 0) (#7)
    by ltgesq on Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 07:37:31 PM EST
    I can't be considered an expert in federal conspiracy law, but doesn't a statute of limitations on a conspiracy toll as long as steps are being taken by any member of the conspiracy to avoid disclosure? If there was a conspiracy to "out" plame, then the statute of limitations should last long enough to snap up Cheney -- unless the cyborg's battery winds down first.

    Jayson Leopold's article is a MUST READ for anyone who would like to be updated on the (early chapters of the) sustained sickness of the Cheney administration. Thanks for the link Jeralyn! p.s. poly logies about the re-dup in Tip Jar

    afaik, it's new news that the source for the wapo sep 29 article is from State. that rules out fleischer. do we think it was Grossman?